You had a rule, for as long as you had lived. It started when you were really young. You couldn't quite remember how young, but you were old enough to have your own rules to live by. Maybe five years old, maybe six.
You were at a party for one of your friends from school. You were up in her room with a couple other kids, playing some sort of game. There were costumes and magic wands and wizard hats for everyone.
You remembered that one moment you were standing next to your friend, laughing about something silly they had said, because that;s what you do when you're five, and the next moment someone had cried out "SPIDER"
All the other children that accompanied you in the room began to cry and yell, but the adults downstairs couldn't hear.
In the corner of the room, on the wall was a spider and was around the size of your small fist. It was pretty colourful, you found it quite fascinating. You'd encountered spiders before, in your garage and on the playground. You had always found them fascinating, with their multiple eyes and eight legs. Some were hairy, others were not.
So, you reached out your hand and picked up the spider, letting it crawl around on the back of your hand, but making sure not to do anything to harm or scare it.
"What are you doing!" One of the children asked.
"It's just a spider."
"But it's creepy!"
"It's just a buggy. Buggies are cool."
With those words you gently set the spider down on the windowsill and it quickly scurried away.
Ever since then, you had a rule with life. Whenever encountering a spider, you would always pick it up gently and put it outside saying "Today you, tomorrow me.". It didn't make sense to a lot of people, but it's what you did.
And now you found yourself in an almost impossible position. A position that you never though you'd be in.
Tied to a chair, gagged and sweaty. You weren't in your home anymore, you were sure of that. It had been years since the first moment with the spider, decades.
But luckily for you, it all seemed to be catching up.
"Where is it?" The voice was low and gravely. It sounded like a car going over a dirt road.
"Where is what?" You asked, breathing lowly.
"You know what I'm talking about!"
"I really don't."
There was a faint scuttle, like little things across the floor. Hundreds of little things.
The next thing you knew, the person in front of you was covered from head to toe in something. Different coloured something's that moved.
It seemed that due to the years that you had spent being nice to the spiders that you found in the world, that they had joined up forces to protect you when you were in trouble.
The cost of being nice.