Hero's Story History- II by shiku - Short Fantasy Story
The tales of heros save world from darkness bad intention and influence are history of fantasy adventure .
Lets become part ot it .
Have you heard the rumors we loss the The Lord Knight and Master of Sword
Religious City of Hea
Street Act
heros born for good and all
Light is guide from darkness of all
Sword Swings Champions is Here
Sound of Glory Cheers
Lala lala
The knights are here we are safe from fear
The God Bless us our country and all
The Sword smith from blessings of myth
We are protected prosperous for years
We united we lived united we brother's and sisters
Yes we.....
Story of days
We are different before the story? A king United all.
Smiles can see isn't it?
Because of death of who against the king
This world is divided by races
races a living spirit that had a origin physical body of different gods exist on past
We uncover that magic and science understand physical difference are base from your origin god
We learned No One Can Multiply if your One
The difference are from different existance of life that successful on being a physical form from different existance lived before
Being successful on having physical form we develop different physical appearance from successful combination Thus We Called them God who survive from combination of multiple existance life of world
Due to Our difference We had different needs
And king who unite the country done things to keep things
Time: Afternoon
In the city
Deaths are reason of united races Is death will be the reason of Deaths of All ?
Evil Necro Demon- Fiend demon born from sins
The END The Demons They said by man shouting while half body removed and drop from sky on middle square of city.
The crowd surrounded the man .
King Palace . War Table
Rumors become more worst King what action must be done? said by House Lords in the meeting of King and Lord Knight Priest House Lords Noble Merchants and Masters.
The action ?
World crimes spread as evil . Action is done by start of action if it still inactive then just strengthen our men.
Live same as before . answered by king
You know the terror of this order. no preparation been act to defend the kingdom madly said by Merchant .
I understand . if we ready our men spread the word can it ease the kingdom scared heart's?answer by king to merchant
END existance is from us . all we can do is to ease everyone heart .additional answer said to meeting
Lord knight and Master of sword done the action they can to stop the darkness inside for everyone . They understand sacrifice for good and for all . They done the action to stop the rumor for all . And all their sacrifices won't be waste.said agressive by king
Existance? Deaths of my brothers on your hand . now talking about END existance and ease of hearts isnt your action done make their existance a whispered mumble to self said by lord knight
The meeting of coucil end as they decided to live and strengthen than ready and at war
Is this a nightmare?
Deaths already on the kingdom
Waking up on a scenery my family is dead my kingdom is dead.
I m alive king is alive where are my knights I need my escorts
walking on the out on the palace while holding the crown
Burnt houses . Burnt flesh
King is alive. shout said by king
King died standing holding the crown
rotten pride
How it start?
Are the difference and Sin on past matters?
Sentence wisdom
Write it before you forget it.
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