Let us know in the comments what you thought about this episode!Episode 2 of #canitstopabullet Season 1 features a #Mossberg 12gauge shotgun VS a #SonyPlayStation2
Here is the link to the video on Instagram:
In this Episode we took a #Rottweil Brenneke #Magnum 12 GA round, fired through a Mossberg #Maverick88 shotgun VS. a #Sony Play Station 2.
The results leave little surprise as the PS is generally constructed of plastics and few tough metals. At a range of about 10 yards, the PS2 stood little to no chance.
#cisabSeason1 #12gauge #shotgun #PS2 #playstation #busbrothersproductions #guns #america #murica #slowmotion #slomo #crimsontrace #military #army #marines #sonyrx100v #penetrationtesting #smokinggun #vets #bullet #safetyfirst