Yeah, that's the idea, up to heaven and down to hell. That brick rubble look is probably a result of my photo editing, but you might be right that it's the devil's first house. I hadn't considered that. Since he moved back to Georgia, I kind of lost touch with him, otherwise I'd totally shoot him a text and ask.
"Write instead of sleep", doesn't sound like much of a problem to me. :)
Down to Georgia - Lol! He just might be there. Georgia is not one of the more heavenly places in the world.
Georgia could definitely use some improvements. I'd maybe add a few high mountain ranges and rename it to East Colorado. They do make some killer beer, I'll give them that. Or was that Michigan? I always get states on that side of the country mixed up.
I have that problem too. It is annoying that on the states puzzle the children have, you can't just make Oregon and Colorado interchangeable. They are in my mind.
I mean, they're basically the same shape. Nothing a little scissors and glue couldn't fix.