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RE: If Reality Is A Simulation, Who Is Its Architect?

no, not really. The nature of our existance is far less important than the lessons, and knowledge gained through living it. Electric or not, holograhpic or not, it just implies we know far less than we think, and I'd stop trying to put things in a box that exists (Hint, when the bible says we are born of sin .. It' means sin(x) (sine wave), and our existence and being put in a box is the control mechanism around our analog wave.

Ever hear of cube worship? Ever hear of the time cube? There is so much people don't know (myself included) that it's impossible to put things in a box, or categorize, since most of what we know is a lie.


Ever hear of cube worship? Ever hear of the time cube?

do you know what you imply?

I do know exactly what I imply. I imply that the ruler of this world is dark. I imply that the time cube is related to the saturn moon matrix. I imply that our reality is manipulated. I imply a lot.

What you’ve got here, really, are two realities, one of immediate artistic appearance and one of underlying scientific explanation, and they don’t match and they don’t fit and they don’t really have much of anything to do with one another.

Robert M. Pirsig, “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”, Chapter 5

and lostidentity, I meant you were implying that I was not well read enough to understand your references. There is still plenty to see and do here, while one learns.