Definitely a great place to watch the sunrise with a cup of coffee! Anything lined up for the next adventure? I see someone designed a floating eco-home that looks pretty awesome, but I don't believe that would work well as an investment!
Good luck!
Ha, the next adventure I think will be my own private fear factor show. We are sending our vehicle and jet skiis back to Vancouver by a carrier. We will then drive the vehicle with no winter tires from Vancouver north. I live due East of Ketchikan Alaska. Once that is done and my business is still doing well, we have a cruise booked (doing my happy dance!) lol Thanks for the good wishes!!
That is definitely "up north!" The cruise sounds exciting. Where are you planning to go?
This cruise, does Copenhagen, Sweden, Iceland, Russia, Latvia, Estonia, Scotland and a few other cool stops. The cruise ship will then be throwing me off the ship kicking and screaming (and of course doing the wet noodle on the floor) in Boston, lol
Sounds like fun! There should be some nice photo ops, too...
I was actually contacted by a cruise company trying to recruit me as an on-board art dealer, once, about a decade ago. That could have been interesting.