Just a little? Girl, you build a full photographic studio just to shoot candles...
By the way. light a candle, and add a flashlight to the background, hitting the candle and your camera. Try to focus on your candles and shoot with high speed.
You will reveal the real magic :)
Just a little? Girl, you build a full photographic studio just to shoot candles...
By the way. light a candle, and add a flashlight to the background, hitting the candle and your camera. Try to focus on your candles and shoot with high speed.
You will reveal the real magic :)
By the way, thank you for your advice!!!I will try it😊! ( αλλά μέχρι να πετύχω την "real magic" μπορεί και να κάψω όλο το σπίτι!)
Ωχ.... Το ξεχασα αυτο.... Εσυ με φωτια.... Οοοκκκκ!!!!!! ΓΙΩΡΓΟΟΟΟΟ