From a rigged election to a show trial. The banana republic mutation of America begins

in #showtrial4 years ago (edited)

The more I read about the Communist party of the USSR the more I see parallels with the US “Democrats” and the way they do business.

From the alleged stealing of the last presidential election, with it’s ballots under a table malarkey and the thousands of sworn affidavits under penalty of Perjury stating many things by people who don’t really have a vested interest in taking that risk, citizens claiming a variety of things for example: that ballots were brought by van in the middle of the night after all GOP official watchers and challengers had been told to go home, poll watchers being bullied using the CCP virus as the excuse not to let them anywhere near the poll counters, people feeding ballots through multiple times because ballot counting machines were prone to get stuck way more than the accepted margin of error.

Certain big tech leaders dropping extremely large amounts of money on allegedly controlling who counts votes in swing states, voting machines connected to the internet when they shouldn’t have been, Trumps vote figures (openly on the TV) dropping instead of gaining in certain states (an impossibility yet somehow people saw the phenomenon).

The silencing, by big tech of a sitting President followed by thousands of their supporters losing their platforms to speak, the destruction of Parler, the alternative actual free speech platform he said he was moving to.

Now, but not probably finally, the Stalinist show trial by the new CPA (Communist Party of America) a not so tongue in cheek satirical name for the current Democrat radical left who are attempting to impeach a private citizen by changing constitutional law to keep them in power and take away Trump’s right to have a second term if voted in in 2024. A term which he almost certainly could easily win, as long as the voting systems are fraud proofed and if no voting laws are changed (something Biden is sadly trying to do to solidify possibly the most fraud prone election rules known to humanity by making mail-in voting and ballot harvesting a standard choice all over America).

If Donald Trump does lose his ability to run for President in ‘24 because of this then Congress and the Senate set a terrible irreversible precedent that allows the US houses to impeach anyone on their growing list of political adversaries (who they see as enemies) and any person they don’t like from holding office which is probably unconstitutional.

But what do I know, I’m not American. Yet some of Biden’s executive orders have already affected other countries negatively so we foreigners have the right to criticise what American politicians do if it affects our friends over there or indeed our own countries.

Here is a great opinion piece in one of my favourite US based publications Epoch Times regarding this unconstitutional mock impeachment.