SHTF Tip# 1- Guns and Ammo!!!

in #shtf8 years ago (edited)


Hello there Ladies and Gents! Today I will give you some opinions on firearms and ammunition that may be ideal for a SHTF scenario. Now specifically I'm talking about a TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It) type scenario. This could be a dangerous time not to be armed. Now I would never want to force firearms on anyone, but I'm not saying it's a good idea to not have at least one!

Now, I'm going to take a moment to list some firearms and tell you why I would want one! Like I said this is soley opinion so I'm hoping that this will help you think about whether you are ready or not!



At minimum this would be my first suggestion for a "must have" firearm. My reason behind this thought is to have a general purpose firearm. A handgun can be used as an easily concealable self defense firearm as well as a light hunting weapon! Handguns come in many calibers and types of actions. You have magazine fed, cylinder/revolver, single shot break action and breech load style handguns. Depending on the handgun it could also be a Big Game handgun as well! Lol.

AR Platform

Now the AR (ArmaLite Rifle not Assault Rifle) is a great rifle to keep handy! It can serve as a hunting weapon (choose your game with the caliber you have) and self defense weapon as well. Now, this platform can vary in so many calibers nowadays. At this point in time you may want to consider the cost of ammo, rarity of the caliber and effectiveness of the caliber you so desire. You may want to think about this when prepping for your SHTF scenario! The AR; despite popular belief is actually a very durable, self cleaning rifle. When I say self cleaning I don't mean it pulls out a rag and brush and scrubs itself. Lol. I mean that the gas passing through the rifle may expel debris from the bolt carrier group! I would highly recommend this firearm for a TEOTWAWKI Scenario!

Shotgun/Boomstick (Haha)

The shotgun comes in calibers from .410, 28, 20, 16, 12 and 10 gauge! These shell sizes are made in accordance with a bore diameter matching the caliber (gauge). The smaller the number, the larger the diameter of the shell and bore diameter. Of course along with this the bigger the shell, the bigger or higher amount of projectile that comes packed in the shell. Now there are different types of ammo that may be used for this firearm as there is with most firearms! Shotguns also come with different types of actions like lever action, bolt action, pump action and break action! A shotgun may also be used for a self defense or hunting firearm! The unique thing about the shotgun is the ammo variations such as bird shot, buck shot, slugs and so many more. So this firearm may range from small game hunting to big game! The possibilities with a shotgun are so high in numbers. I can explain so much more about a shotgun, but at the sake of ranting I will calm down. Lol. I would highly recommend this firearm to keep your gun safe company!

Hunting Rifle/ Bolt Action Rifle

This type of rifle is self explanatory for the reason I would mainly have it, but all firearms may be used as self defense weapons. Some are just more reasonable than others for the purpose of self defense! Now the caliber of these types of firearms vary in too many calibers to be listed. Lol. But the caliber you so choose may want should also be decided by price purpose and rarity of the round!


I'm not trying to go all 'Walking Dead' on everybody with my bow and crossbow section here, but realistically it is a perfectly ideal weapon for a prepper's arsenal! The reason behind this opinion is that a bow or crossbow not only are the more silent option if the situation dictates; but the ammunition (bolts/arrows) is reusable! And there are literally hundreds if not thousands of options for aftermarket arrow heads. This specific weapon can be used for self defense, hunting and even...Fishing! Why not snatch one up?


I will make this part short just to talk about some types of ammo that you may want to carry with these firearms. For self defense purposes; I would carry hollow point rounds for rifle and pistol and buckshot or slugs (slug is a ball and buck shot has pellets that spread further apart with distance) for the shotgun! For hunting you might find that just regular old ball rounds are a good choice for your firearms and maybe you would want an arrowhead that will make a nice wound channel to put down your dinner! They also make arrow heads for fishing that would be a valuable addition to the stockpile!

I hope that these opinions might help you sway your opinion on your arsenal of post apocalyptic gear! As I previously stated, I am not writing this to force firearms upon anyone. I would just like to throw some thought out there for you guys to think about! So when the Zombies come, you'll be ready to put the hurtin on em'. Lol. I hope you guys enjoyed and Thank you for reading!!!

TEOTWAWKI- The End Of The World As We Know It

GIF courtesy of @liberty-minded! Thank you!

@oilyshumblehome I'll keep tagging!: )

Semper Fidelis



I finally recharged my STEEM power so here I am upvoting and replying on another one of your awesome posts that I missed. Me like guns very much. (with "Tim the toolman Taylor" grunting sounds). Lol. Good job brother!

Thanks man. I love me some guns too brother. They are literally my life. Lol.

Great post. Ladies pick your own gun to use. Pick it up hold make sure it's comfortable for you to use. Practice with it and don't be afraid of it. The man in your life has all the best intentions in the world if he picks a gun out for you, but if it's uncomfortable for you to use you won't use it.

Great advice @coffeetime! Ladies definitely follow this one!

Everything is personal preference, but if I had to pick one, it would be the 12 gauge with a rifled barrel every time. Common ammo, and ultimate versatility! Not very concealable, tho....

Yea I would agree. I would prefer the handgun for gray man mode but definitely a 12 gauge over any. As you said very versatile. Thank you.

Replace the AR-15 and the Hunting/Bolt Action rifle with a single 30-30 or .308 lever action rifle. Then get a swapable magazine semi-auto rifle to match your pistol. Just sayin'.

I was thinking about throwing a lever action in this post. It is a good trusty rifle to have. But I just went with the basics! But yes I would agree with you sir!

And you don't have to give up the rail system.

Mossberg 464 SPX Tactical Lever Action Rifle .30-30 Winchester

I've seen that kit before. It's pretty cool! Its built for the tactical John Wayne. Lol. But no this is a pretty cool set up! : )

Having multiple firearms with the same caliber is also a smart move too! : )

If you are wise about it, you could have the following, all in the same caliber

  • semi-automatic rifle/bullpup
  • break down survival rifle
  • full-sized semi-auto pistol
  • compact semi-auto pistol
  • two shot derringer

Yes sir! I have 2 .45 ACP guns and a one 9mm. Then we have the AR and Shotgun! Working on the "Walking Dead" Crossbow. Lol

But those little pistol caliber carbines are a pretty cool deal too! And you can't go wrong with .22lr. Maybe small but you can get so many different guns in .22lr and of course 9mm offers a large variety as well!

Oh don't worry, when the zombies come I will definitely be ready for'em! 😉
Good post!

Lol. Me too! Lol. Thank you! : )

First 2 plus crossbow. I yet to master the bow.
Everyone needs at least 1 of these no matter what. For every pacifist there are at least 10 that aren't in SHTF situs.

In TEOTWAWKI there will be plenty of second hand slightly used guns available. ;)

Shhhh..... don't let everyone know lol :)

Yea they'll just be laying on the ground right? Lol. This would be the thought of a person who has no idea. Lol. AKA Not gun people/Preppers. Haha

Lol. I'm not a bowmaster either by any means. Lol. But I would totally rock the crossbow! And yes guns are your friend! : )

It's like a big game of call of duty right? Lol

And what's not to love about that haha

Lol. Exactly!

Upvoted and Resteemed. #prepper helping #preppers.

Thanks again!

If I had to grab just one gun and leave the rest behind it would be my 22 rifle. All family members can use it easily, large capacity, lots of rounds are easy to carry.

Heck yeah! Plus the price of 22 is back down where it's supposed to be now. Lol.

I know, about time too. I grab a brick anytime I go to Walmart or Academy just to stock up.

Heck yea! I live right near an ammo place so it's good stuff over here! It's kind of comforting but scary at the same time to be so close. If SHTF here I may have to leave my home just because of that alone!

That would definitely be a target for many people to hit and then maybe check the surrounding area. Discourage people and I think you could be okay.

I'm gonna have to set up the claymores and trip wires. Lol. It's the only way to scare em of off. Haha.

It's down, but not where it should be! Seven years ago you could still get the Federal boxes of 575 HP for about $15 to $17... Best I've seen so far lately is a box of 300 round nose for $20... that's still about double. But I guess I'm just being grumpy. ;p

I'd still take the $20 over the ridiculous amount they were selling them for. I had to boycott 22 for a while just on principle. Lol.

My EDC is a glock 42. I love it since it's small and fits great in my hand. My problem is getting my husband to buy me more guns. He thinks I only need one but I explain to him I have TWO hands! 👐🏻 He and my son have several guns! What's up with that 😂 Great post!

Tell him you also need a Ruger LC9. That's what I got my wife. Lol. My wife doesn't want more guns. This is my problem. Lol. But very nice carry gun and thank you. 😀

I want a Ruger Double Action 22 Revolver. I'm working on him though 😊

Tell him to give you one of his guns. I know I would just give in then! Lol. I'd just be like Ok I'll get you your own dang gun! Haha. It could work. : P

I'll try it 👍🏻 Thanks 🙂

You never know. Lol. I give into my wife all the time. Haha.

I bought a Ruger LCR 22 magnum revolver for my wife. Nice and small and hits better than a .38.
However, ammo is hard to come by locally.

I got plenty of ammo just need the gun 😊 Ammo was hard to come by here but now it's EVERYWHERE ❤️! It happened overnight!

.22 and .22 magnum are a bit different. 22 is easy to get.

Yep feel dumb! I read that to fast and just seen the .22! 😕

Cool, I just picked up a 56 shell bandolier for my Benelli Super Nova 12 gauge

Nice. That will definitely come in handy. Whether SHTF or not. You could take down a whole ecosystem with that kind of action. Lol.

Great post.


Thank you! 😀

Weapons and Ammo for Dummies (Like me!) Lol! Love it!
I need to save this so I will have this info in the future! Haha! I know about MY personal weapon but that is pretty much it! I do have a crossbow on my list of weapons I want to acquire!

Guns are definitely demonized in the media, on TV and so forth, but they are not evil....they are not the ones who kill...The users are the ones who choose to kill. Guns are a tool. That is all. People can kill with their bare hands or a rock. Again, they are used as a tool. It is so sad that many people out there are choosing not to protect themselves because this tool has been demonized.

Thanks for the wonderful information (as usual)!

God bless!