Ladies and Gents; let's talk about something that everyone may need to unleash in the event of TEOTWAWKI. You may need to reach deep down inside or right beneath the surface. But there may come a point in time that we may need to find our inner warrior! Now not everybody may have this, but who's to say we can't prep to create this! Now I will list off some items that would benefit you as the new age apocalyptic warrior! A lot of these items may not be physical but also mental items! So let's get down to business! : )

Item 1
First and foremost; if you want to have that warrior quality, you will need some kind of training! Whether this training be self taught or formal (recommend formal), we need to reach inside of our minds and learn the ways of a war fighter! Not only will a solid training program help rebuild your mind, but it will help rebuild your body! It will give you a different mentality on certain if not all situations and will help your body and mind form a link to move as one! I know when I walk into any place; I am instantly assessing everything and possible outcomes to a SHTF scenario! What I'm getting at here is that this will help to form the way you would react in a sticky situation!

Item 2
Willingness to commit is a big mental factor in changing your mindset! Before you can just go out and train, you must have the mental capacity to commit to your training. It is not a joke and shouldn't be taken as such! So we must tell ourselves: "This is happening, and I am ready to do this." This is a big key factor! Commitment in general is a big piece to the puzzle! When put in a tough situation; you must commit to the reaction you have. If things go south and you are unsure; this could result in a catastrophic injury or death to yourself or the ones that you love!

Item 3
A set of core values is a great foundation for becoming and remaining a warrior. In the Marine Corps; we have Honor, Courage and Commitment! Living by a set of values can give a certain guideline to follow! Having honor means that you will be truthful and faithful to your cause and to your brothers and sisters! Courage is the strength to do the right thing; even when no one is looking! Commitment is having the ability to respect, obey and carry out orders whatever they may be! This is just an example of a solid set of guidelines! You may find yourself having your own personal guidelines and there is no problem with that! Just remember having values can help guide you on your path to surviving a tough situation!

Item 4
Equipment of some sort is a big help. Whether it be anything from a rock to a firearm; having the equipment to back up your training is a big helper! I will go ahead and say that having the ability to rip a man's heart out with your bear hands means nothing if they got the drop on you first. Now we have a gun pointed at us from a reasonable distance and nothing to back ourselves up with! See what I'm talking about? Anything to give us the upper hand in a bad situation is a must in my book! Let's fight fire with fire; not with a teddy bear!

Item 5
Means to defend your home is another good thing to have! Whether it be your Bug Out Camp, a tent by a river or the home that you've had all along; being able to defend it is a must! I don't know about you, but I will not lay down and let someone destroy or take what I have without laying my life in front of it! Now this kind of falls in with equipment, but there is also the mental aspect of this as well! Having the physical gear to defend your home may consist of things like: traps, concealment, walls and weapons! The mental side of the house is to know that there is two things to do if you are attacked: stay and fight or roll out!

Item 6
I will go ahead and make this my last but keep in mind: there is more to it than just this list! But lastly you should have or build a solid sense of judgement! This is having the ability to make the call quickly and accurately. This can be used to see if you can trust someone or it can be used to dictate whether to pull the trigger or not! Having the ability to make a solid judgement call will take some good quality mental training! Once you make the call you will have to live with that decision! So knowing right from wrong can help impact your judgement!

This is not all that you might need to become the future soldier of the apocalypse, but it is a good start! Remember, prepping is not just about physical things; it is is also about knowledge and mental preparation! I hope you found this post educational and thought provoking! I also hope that you enjoyed it! Take the time to get some valuable training and mentally prepare yourself for any tough situation! Thank you everyone for reading!
"Warriors...Come out and Plaaay!!"
TEOTWAWKI- The End Of The World As We Know It

Semper Fidelis
A few things there that I've not really considered my friend. I think I need to 'up my game' asap :)
😀 you got this bro! I'm sure you got the instinct in you!
Yeah, there's an inner peace that seems ready to accept the coming economic collapse. Mind you, that big sun spot that let off 2 'kill shots' while facing opposite direction will be facing Earth very soon :( Suspicious0bservers on Utube keeping a watchful eye over it.
Well hopefully the sun just takes it's sweet time to pull off a couple more shots. And I have definitely come to terms with the fact that if the end comes; I will have to do things that I may not think is cool. But my family is first!
That's right bro, wife and daughter are my top priority. I would deem myself a failure if I didn't prepare for them.
True sir! he wife can think you're crazy all she wants. But if that day does come...You can finally for the first time in your marriage say "I told you so" and be right about it! Hahaha :-P
great read!!!
Thank you sir! 😀
Commitment is so important. People think an idea is good but if you're not passionate or fully believe in what you're supporting or planning, it's not going to save you.
Commit, don't be the person who says "I was going to do that, but..."
Yes, commitment is a very important piece to the puzzle. I am very passionate about certain things and I commit 110% to them! Thank you! : )
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I became truly aware of the physical aspect doing some manual labor this summer. I was not prepared and did not adapt well to the heat and humidity. This has become a priority to me, not just for WROL but everyday life.
Yes sir! You are very right about that! These guidelines apply to more than just becoming a warrior! You have to have the right mindset and the right tools for everyday life as well. Great addition brother! Thank you! : )
Core Values! In our home those that you mentioned are very important along with loyalty. In SHTF situs sticking together and true to one another is going to make your tribe stronger. All the other points are a must as well!
Thank you very much! Yes a set of values and guidelines is a great this to have! If everyone is on the same page and can trust each other than we are golden! : )
So true! Lovely day to you friend!
Thank you! Same to you! : )