SHTF Tip# 9- Primitive Skill Sets!!!

in #shtf7 years ago (edited)


Hello Ladies and Gents!! I'm sorry it has been so long since my last post! Today I had a little bit of time at work; so I figured I'd write a little something for you guys!

Today let's talk about some primitive skills that you can learn that could pay off in the long run. So when you are in a sticky spot; you will be able to reach down and grab your inner caveman and make the best of your situation! In SHTF, you may have to rely on primitive skills eventually. You know; after all the lighter fluid and batteries are gone! Lol. But let's talk about a few skills that would be who of you to learn just in case. :-)

Skill 1

Fire making skills are an absolute must! Fire is life in a survival situation. Without fire, you will have a harder time doing things like: sanitizing water, staying warm, cooking, keeping away predators and etc. It would be a great asset to you if you knew how to make a friction fire or a flint and steel fire. Flint and steel is pretty self explanitory, but friction fire comes in a few different forms. You have the bow drill and then there are multiple setups for a good ol' fashioned stick fire. Learning a couple of ways to make a friction fire could really pay off in the end!

Skill 2

Tool building is another valuable skill to know. Being able to build your own tools in a time of need may prove to be something that will be a big help to you in a SHTF Scenario! Just a few of the many tools you can make are things like: axes, hammers, shovels, garden tools, eating utensils, cooking pots, tanning racks and so much more! When you need to start over from scratch; the biggest part is knowing how you will go about it! Tools are just a big one up to get you there.

Skill 3

A skill that should not be without is the ability to make weapons! Making weapons will not only give you a means to defend yourself, but it will also give you an upper hand in finding food. Some of the major weapons you may learn to build might be: bow and arrows, slingshot, spears, tomahawks and a good old club or whompin stick! Lol. Things like these are simply accomplished and yet give you a one up in the SHTF world! Knowing this skill should be a second nature to you! Make it so if you so choose.

Skill 4

Primitive shelter making is another great skill to learn! Now a SHTF Scenario isn't called SHTF for no reason! You may be personally put in a spot where your home has been lost or taken from you. Having the skill set to make a new one will put a big buffer between you and Mother Nature. As most of you know she can be a cruel lady sometimes! Over the course of history so many civilizations have made homes from the land! Learning a couple of these methods could be a huge game changer!

Skill 5

The ability to trap food is a great skill! Building traps may be as simple as setting up 3 sticks to form a dead fall type trap! Regardless of the traps you know; trapping food will give you the ability to multi-task. Set up your traps, walk away, come back and check them daily! This way you are proactively trying to get food and maybe doing something like building a shelter or purifying water! This is a great way to not over work yourself. And, if your are not around for the animals to hear or pick up your scent; you may have a good shot at catching something!

Skill 6

Gardening skills are a plus! But one thing to think about is how to water your plants and possibly decrease your calorie output! So having the knowledge to build an irrigation system may prove to make your life slightly easier and reduce you calories burned! This is something that has been done for a long long time! Being able to take a nearby water source and make it available to your crops is a great asset to your future food stores!

Skill 7

Primitive hunting skills are another good piece of knowledge to obtain! Some of these methods are still used in modern day hunting also! Now, when I say say hunting I also mean fishing as well. So, when we talk about hunting skills; you may want to know things like different types of animal tracks and how to track that animal...or stay away from it. Lol. You may also want to know things like how to conceal yourself and your scent, how to use you weapons, how to become defensive if need be and how to draw in your prey! Now, when it comes to fishing; you may want know things like: where to find fish, how to attract them, how to funnel them into a location, how to build and use a rod, trap, spear or fishing line set up and how to store your catch! Now there are more things you may want to know about hunting and fishing. I could go on and on, but I will keep it short. The last important thing about hunting and fishing is knowing how to skin, gut and properly cook your catch! Skills such as these may be a huge lifesaver in a tough situation!

As always ladies and gents; these are just a few things you may want to know! There are some many different primitive survival skills that can be learned, but I believe these are some of the really important things! I believe that being able to take nothing and turn it into something is a great piece of knowledge to have! Being able to rebuild your own civilization from scratch is not only a great asset, but it is also a big time motivator for you and your partner(s). I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Thank you everyone for reading and I will try to post again soon if I get the chance! :-)

Thank You!!

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TEOTWAWKI- The End Of The World As We Know It

GIF courtesy of @liberty-minded! Thank you!

Badge credit goes to @daddykirbs. Thank you!

Thank you to @dwhntx for this awesome badge!!

@oilyshumblehome and @elew I'll keep tagging!: )

Semper Fidelis


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Hope all is well, missing your wisdom over here :)

There you are! Yes primitive skills are something I need to work on. Ugh! Lol! I hope the packing is about finished and you are all well rested for your trip!

Let me know when you arrive safely please! 😁

Lol. I might do a quick video tomorrow if I get time. But we are almost all packed up and ready to go.
As for the resting part... The insomnia does not help with that at all. Haha. But I'm used to it so we're good. Lol.
I will let you know when we make it to NY. 😀 I leave on Friday night. It's gonna be a fun one. Lol.

Oh I bet! Yes, please let me know.

Yea. I think since we have moved so much, I will open up a dang moving company when I get back from over the pond. Lol.

Lol! There's an idea! Haha!

Lol. I think I'd be good at it!🤣


Those of us with a basic understanding of self reliance will probably become the hub and authority of any new community too :)

Yes sir. The survival police. Lol. We will be considered a valuable asset to our fellow humans that don't know. 😀

Skill 5 : build a better catch box. If you are going to sit there and wait for your food to enter and then pull the stick, you are losing the battle. LOL

Haha. I just thought it was a funny picture to add. lol. It made me think of the Family Guy episode with James Woods. "ooh piece of candy, ooh piece of candy." Haha!

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LMAO haha that show is crazy funny sometimes.

I know it man! I love this episode in specific. Everytime I see candy I say it. Haha.

Hey man, been thinking of you and wanted to check in. I hope you and your family are well??

Thank you very much for checking in. I appreciate it very much. Family is well. I had to go offline for a bit due to my relocation over seas. I will slowly start posting again though! So thank you very much! : )

You moved?? Just you or fam too? Where? I will keep you in my thoughts, friend!! Look forward to it! Have a great day!!

Yep, Family's in NY and I'm in Afghan again. Fun fun. Lol. You have a great day as well! : )

Awesome info brother! I thought you went AWOL. The blackhawks were on standby for a search and rescue mission.

Thanks man! Not AWOL just a little bit of UA. Haha. Keep those Blackhawks ready just in case. Lol. We're moving next week so I've been in ghost mode. Haha.

Copy that. Be safe brother.

Thanks brother. 😀

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