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RE: Shutdown Theater

in #shutdown6 years ago

In a sense, we don't really need to pay taxes. In the past, taxes were used to pay for government services. But today, the government has a monopoly on the creation of money. So it can just print as much money as it wants and buy anything. It never needs to get money from someone else in order to pay for what it wants. We, on the other hand, MUST do what the government wants - because we need money to pay for rent, food, etc., and only the government is authorized to create it.

Still, the government imposes taxes for two reasons: First, taxes allow some of the money it creates to be destroyed. This keeps inflation lower than it otherwise would be. Second, the government needs taxes in order to perpetuate the myth that taxes pay for government services. If the public came to realize that government services are actually paid for through the depreciation of the currency, there would be a mass move out of U.S. treasuries and cash and into gold. This would cause the dollar to collapse, bringing down the entire U.S. Empire and pushing all Americans into abject poverty. Without all of those welfare programs and corporate subsidies, Americans would have no way to pay for all of these cheap goods from China and elsewhere. Instead, Americans would have to work for Chinese people, who would buy American products with their gold. Americans don't have any gold, so we would be screwed.

That's why the U.S. government keeps taxing us. It's a way of fooling us into believing the government is legitimately paying for all of these that the whole thing doesn't disintegrate.