What is SIA?
SIA is a decentralized file storage platform that is powered by blockchain technology and operates on its own crypto currency token called SiaCoin (SC). One of the just few blockchain-based decentralized storage services currently available and probably the first one that is already fully operational.
Visit the official project website for more details: Sia.tech
How to get SiaCoin
SiaCoin (SC) is being traded on multiple exchanges such as Poloniex and Yunbi and you can purchase the crypto token from there, alternatively you can use the SIA service to rent out free space on your hard drive and get paid for doing so in SC or you can mine the crypto currency token.
The current exchange rate of SiaCoin on Poloniex is: 97 Satoshi per coin

Mining SiaCoin
Sia's hashing algorithm is blake2b and you can use your AMD or Nvidia GPUs to mine it, up until few weeks you could only solo mine it, but now there are multiple pools that offer users to mine SiaCoin.
The current block reward is 236857 SC for a found block and the current network difficulty is 7114 TH.
List of Pools for Mining SiaCoin
- SiaMining.com - PPS (Pay per Share) Pool with Getwork and Stratum support
- sia.nanopool.org - PPLNS with Getwork and Stratum support
- sia.suprnova.cc - Proportional Payment Pool with Stratum support, 20% Bonus for every Block found
- siacoin.miningpoolhub.com - Proportional Payment with Stratum support
I'm mining right now with a GTX 880m, Marlin miner, siamining pool and around 420 MH/s. I don't think it's profitable in terms of electricity costs anymore, but right now it's just for fun and with the prospect of siacoin going up at some point. If somebody wants to try, this guy here has a good tutorial to start: https://mtlynch.io/windows-sia-mining/ (he really thought of everything, I had it running in no time)
Sia always seemed like a great project, I bought a bit on polo when it was cheap lol wish I had bought more. and have been meaning to buy back in now that it's leveled off a bit
I'll have to see if I can get my old 6950 going on it ;) cheers
Have not tried with 6950, but it should work, no idea what hashrate to expect though...
I got 110MH/s
how does the 1080ti fair with this?
Shot you an Upvote :)Nice @cryptos