What are the things to consider when using an electronic signature in a company?

in #signature5 years ago

Gone are the days when traditional signature would take a lot of time and effort. These days, the digital signature is used by most of the business enterprises. This makes the task a lot easier and less time compared to the traditional one. If you wish to use this form of signature in your company, it is necessary that you have to evaluate it taking into account its benefits. So, before implementing the signature form, some tips can help with an informed decision. 

Easy access to the signature

When it comes to digitally sign a document, one has to check multiple evidences to know the identity of the signer. This was unlike the traditional form of signing documents. First, you have to understand whether the method of signature is suitable for your company. However, the different signature process has come up such as remote signature, centralized signature and biometric.

Identification of the signature

For suitable identification of the signature, the signature service should have suitable evidence about the signer. This also depends on the type of transition, the risk and whether it deals with existing or new customers. However, you have to take different steps for existing and new customers. 

How the display of the document looks?

The ID has been chosen such that the signer is able to know which document he or she is signing. This will make the electronic signature process a transparent one. For this, a device containing the entire document should be given to the signer so that he or she can directly get access to it. The business enterprise should be responsible to ensure that the document sent to signing and the one used for signature is the same one. 

Forms of signature

The signature is the final step and the signer should be careful while signing the document. The electronic signature should match with the one stored. The signer has to abide by the international standards when using signing documents electronically. Also, it is important to ensure that the signature is valid over some time without the need to turn any of the parties for the signature again.  Therefore, the electronic signature helps to reduce both cost and time. But make sure that you check the authenticity of the signature.  

With the increasing use of signature in almost all spheres of work, it is important to maintain security measures. By using the right signature, it will be easy and quick completion of the signing task. The signer should be aware whenever the electronic signature is in use. Therefore, for better user experience, this type of signature is beneficial. This is a digital process that does not require any paperwork.