The Silk Road and the Heartland Theory the cause of all conflict

in #silkroad7 years ago

The elite European and Mongol Illuminati bloodline families that own this planet owe the source of their ancient wealth and by extension their power from the silver trade money occasioned from their monopoly of the silk road.

China is racing to re-open this ancient trade root and upgrade it with rail to the consternation of its old franchisee.

The silk road was pioneered by the ancient Canaanites known later as Phoenicians, their homeland now called "The Levant" terminated the western land route of the silk road.

The secret to their genius is too long to included in this post and is rooted in prehistory and their extra terrestrial ancestors known as the Coneheads of Mesopotamia.

From their system of writing a shorthand version of Egyptian Hieroglyphs written on papyrus instead of the cumbersome clay tablets of the Sumerians was a tool essential to trade. All modern western scripts evolved from it, spread by their extensive merchant fleet that serviced their trading ports that ringed the Mediterranean sea including the northern limit of their territory the mythological city of Troy.

An insular, secretive and ruthless merchant race their rapid rise in wealth and power brought them into conflict over time with envious trading partners Egypt, Greece and finally Rome who most often than not found themselves on the losing side of a trade deal.

Finally the Romans wiped them out as a Nation during the Punic Wars. The Romans only managed to defeat them after they reverse engineered their ships and managed to build up a navy that could challenge their monopoly on maritime trading.

Some Canaanites practiced child sacrifice a ritual still practiced in the inner circles of one of the merchant banker factions known as the Satanic Illuminati.

It should be noted that not all factions are anti-human the Gnostic Illuminati and the Asian secret societies are slowly gaining ascendancy after the axis powers were defeated in the second world war and subsequent cold war a totalitarian New World Order was averted.

After the Roman destruction of the last vestige of the Phoenician Nation Cathage the merchants changed their modus operandi and worked behind the scenes of international power without a State to regain control of the silk road and associated maritime routes. One faction still longs for a historical world state which is the root of Zionism.

Their secrets of accounting, banking and encrypted communications were re-discovered later in medieval times after the collapse of the Knights Templar or Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, a ploy to re-open the silk road under the guise of protecting Christian pilgrims to the holy land.

They pioneered the practice of only allowing their sons to control the business using local front men usually a son-in-law as the apparent head of the local business to avoid persecution and used their daughters to setup marriages with the dominant families of the city states they traded with building a network within the ruling classes.

Camouflaging themselves in the customs and belief systems of their host state and controlling it via secret societies, that was the forerunner of the Knights Templar and Freemasonry. Their outer bloodlines Medici, Borgia etc. merged with European Royalty and Papal dynasties. Currently their inner circle is known as the Committee of 300.

Control of the central geographical area of this ancient trade route forms a more modern geopolitical theme known as "The Heartland Theory" first proposed by Harold Mackinder in his 1904 book "The Geographical Pivot of History" an analysis of the strategy of European royalty and then adopted by the mysterious Karl Haushofer Hitlers "handler".

The Heartland Theory was regurgitated and brought up to date by Jimmy Carters strategist Zigbnew Brezinsky in his book "The Grand Chessboard".

Mackinders dictum boils down current American Foreign Policy into his famous statement:

  • Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland;
  • Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;
  • Who rules the World-Island commands the world.

Afghanistan is at the focal point of this theory and the silk road.

The US needed an excuse to invade this land after they successfully thwarted the Satanic Illuminati's creation the USSR in its attempt to control it.

The myth was created of medieval rag headed terrorists that somehow from a cave in Afghanistan managed to penetrate the most heavily guarded and high tech defended air space in the world to burn down two modern Masonic symbols of the twin towers built with steel that melts at 1300 degrees C with jet fuel that burns at hundreds degrees C. The US will now never leave Afghanistan despite what any US President may promise to get elected.

The Rothschild's another outer bloodline then cashed out their chips and dismantled the USSR totalitarian state and focused on taking over another key heartland nation's Ukraine and build the Satanic Illuminati's new masonic capital of the world Astana in Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan is the launch pad of their break away civilisation known as the above top secret UNSC Black Space Program now fully self sufficient and not requiring further launches from the Baikonur Cosmodrome but that's another story.


Interesting read, many thanks.

Your're welcome, thanks for reading it.