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RE: So my car got broken into the other day...

in #sillysketchies7 years ago

Wow... that punk!!! I hate thief and I'm glad that none of you is hurt. I would be too shocked to do anything in your situation, but I wish you would take his picture when he's pilfering so he can get jailed.

Ah well, live and let live I guess. Your safety and the children's come first ^_^.


Thieves aren't my favourite either -_- That's actually my only regret, I was so busy trying to fight my instinct to "disable" him that I completely did not think about using my phone camera til well afterwards! With my amazing 20/20 hindsight it's now pretty obvious that I had heaps and heaps of time to pull out my phone and start recording and hand it to one of the kids, but yeh completely didn't occur to me at the time when it needed to XD