I have been following Silver and Gold now for around 20 years or more and have been accumulating Physical Metal slowly (mainly Silver) since the 2008 Financial crisis. I believe that this is an important strategy to maintain financial independence and achieve wealth preservation for the Financial turmoil that awaits us all in the years ahead as economies of the World deteriorate.
You know me best for my posts on plants/gardening, but as well as being a Qualified Horticulturist, i also hold a Certificate in Financial Markets, and have been involved in this market for around 20 years since my career in the Horticultural Industry ended. I have developed an interest in Technical Analysis ( charting ) and this helped me with my stockmarket trading over many years. However, with the stockmarket being more and more untradeable due to market manipulation, i have focused more on Precious Metals... Gold and Silver. I thought i might include some posts in this blog in the hope that more people develop an interest in Silver and begin to accumulate some of this increasingly important Metal which is probably the most manipulated commodity in world history because of it's importance to the Financial System and also in modern technology. Silver is the second most important commodity on the planet, after Oil. Without Silver, all our electronic gadgets would simply be useless.
So here goes. Since June 2018 , as the paper Silver price has continued it's relentless price decline , a clear price channel has formed. This can be seen in the chart below, marked by the parallel lines i have inserted.
Chart source ; netdania.com
Notice how the candlesticks have consistently touched the line at roughly equidistant points along the top line and then retreated again.... this gives the chart legitimacy. Around the 20th September, the top (resistance) channel line was broken to the upside and Silver began to rise. Now in the last day or so, it has begun a retreat back towards the top line again. This is quite normal, as any breakout is usually followed by a return back to the top of the restistance line which it broke through. However. the price usually does not continue to go down once it hits the resistance line again, rather it touches it quickly, usually with a quick spike that only lasts one day, then resumes it's upward price movement again at a fast pace.
Silver could and will most likely retreat back to the resistance line around $13.75. However it does not have to do this, it could decide to continue its upward rise, because demand from traders who were short would be covering to limit their losses. Then again before this breakout to the upside, i was expecting Silver to continue falling down to around $10 until the end of the year. It may still do that, but now this breakout has happened, it is less likely. We will have to also keep an eye on the weekly and monthly charts. Nothing is guaranteed, the Banksters can set the paper price anywhere they want to, regardless of demand. There are no free markets. In my opinion, this is a great opportunity to accumulate more physical Silver at a very cheap price. Silver has never been cheaper when adjusted for Inflation.
I'll follow up this post with another one in a week or two and see how this situation plays out.
Note; This commentary does not constitute Financial advice, it is the opinion of the Author.
Thanks for sharing.
The Silver price is heavily rigged and highly manipulated.
At under $15.00 USD it is extremely undervalued and bullish.
Shared on twitter promoting good quality content on #Steemit.
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Silver Price may be on the RISE. #STEEM #steemtalent #JoinSteemit @Steemit
#Silver #Bullish #Undervalued
It's great that you found this useful. Thanks.
One of my Steemian friend also collecting Silver and Gold! He said now it's a good dip to buy them! So I think you also earn and could earn nice profit by investing on them!
One more thing, I like to read your posts based on currencies and metals! Coz when I read your post of Byte Ball, I understood a lot that I never covered! So please carry on! We need guidance from experienced traders and investors like you do!@ctrl-alt-nwo,
Thanks, i'll keep them coming.
Hi! This is a very interesting read. Thank you for sharing this information. The gold price has lowered a lot!
My bandwidth and voting power were near the floor! I had to rent some SP from Blocktrades to get some fuel to keep going.
Funny, we don’t have silver coins or bars in shops in Thailand!! People only buy gold jewelry and gold bars! I would like to get some silver coins too, but that’s impossible here.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thats a pity you can't buy silver there. Funny also because i think there is some big silver mines in your region, Thailand and Philippines also. Maybe the Government does'nt want you to buy any.
I did ask some gold shops for silver coins but they told me that they only sell gold jewelry and hind bars as these are more in demand.
It may be because the majority of customers are Chinese and they just love gold and its colour. Silver is considered as very inferior to gold and has little value! But I prefer silver jewelry as they have very soft energy.
Gold jewelry is status symbols here. Some people would have very thick gold chain around their necks just to show off their wealth. Thick silver chains are never seen worn by any Thai or Chinese!
But I found a way to buy some silver. I had to go to the smelting shop which is very secretive and hidden away in small alleys in China Town. This shop sells pure, tiny silver pellets which silversmiths buy to make into jewelry. But it would be nicer to have beautiful silver coins with nice designs.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Very interesting opinion. Noble metals are one of the most reliable equivalents of capital that have been, are and will be. So, that articles on this topic are very relevant. I like it.
Great, i am happy you like it.
It sure is a good news for Silver and many have been accumulating it as they know the back of it and as by your experience it could go the right way. While hope it goes by the chart shows.
Looks good at the moment anyway, Silver had a good trading session last night ,up a few percent.
I do believe the same. Silver along with gold is probably the most undervalued asset due to government’s involvement. At the end they find it’s real value no matter how much government tries to manipulate prices.
That's very true. It's the cheapest asset on earth.
I had no idea about silver, now I'm interested about it . Nice opinion about this ,liked this.
It is a total undervalued commodity and silver is definitely everyone should hold a little of in a diverse portfolio.
I've been collecting mainly silver and other precision metals since 2015, after my son was born. I realised that in order to secure his future I needed to find something that was constant through out the ages and never depreciated with more and more fiat being printed. Silver was once the back bone of all "money" and along with gold it will be again.
Thanks for sharing and I look forward to hearing more and more about your PM collection. Any special pieces in your collection you'd like to share, would be greatly received by all at #steemsilvergold
Take care
I have done a few videos on older coins. See further back in my blog for that. Hopefully you will like them.
I shall find them and take a look
You have great knowledge on silver and gold ..
What would be steem price or sbd price at the end of year ?
Haha, i am not that smart !! If they are not higher it will be dissapointing.
Good analysis on silver . Very up and down in silver price . But if you have great skills on metal trading then you can also earn good profit in up and down period .
I would never bet on down silver price. The idea is to buy coins and hold them for the long term.
I am back buddy
It beyond any doubt is an uplifting news for Silver and many have been collecting it as they probably am aware the back of it and as by your experience it could go the correct way. While trust it passes by the graph appears.
Wow very wonderful post my best friend
Wow thats a amazing news.
Steemian companion likewise gathering Silver and Gold! He said now it's a decent plunge to get them! So I think you likewise acquire and could procure decent benefit by contributing on them!
One all the more thing, I jump at the chance to peruse your posts in view of monetary forms and metals! Coz when I read your post of Byte Ball, I comprehended a ton that I never secured! So please go ahead! We require direction from experienced brokers and financial specialists as you do @ctrl-alt-nwo
Silver alongside gold is presumably the most underestimated resource because of government's association.
I trust this is a vital system to keep up money related independence.I do trust the equivalent. Silver alongside gold is presumably the most underestimated resource because of government's association. Toward the end they think that its genuine esteem regardless of how much government endeavors to control costs.
Intriguing assessment. Honorable metals are a standout amongst the most solid reciprocals of capital that have been, are and will be. In this way, that articles on this theme are extremely significant.