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RE: Rolling in silver, literally...The Adelaide steemit meet-up

in #silver7 years ago

I won't even describe to you the video playing in my mind, but it's a good one :) Nice looking coin, and so kind of you to give one to your brothers. I didn't know you had another brother here, but obviously, the anonymity thing explains that pretty easily. It's kind of awesome to meet some of these people face to face and have a real conversation too!

You sound like the man flu is gone now; thank goodness, I've been worried sick for you :)

@themanwithnoname has to come check this out!


Ah yes, my other brother is a master of disguise and can blend in anywhere. He could be you for all I know! Ok, so probably not, but you get the idea. I know who he is but he wants to be private and so I respect that. So yeah, rolling in my silver huh? It’s pretty entertaining for all, or so I’m told. I’m like Smaug from “The Hobbit”