I’ll take Gold anytime.
I may play the crypto game and I will say silver is the most undervalued st undervalued asset today, but Gold is wealth and always has been and always will be.
Fiat currency as always will collapse, even with the uncertainties of crypto there is a lot of money to be made, and lost.
So bottom line is Ibwould take the Gold, invest in silver and keep playing the crypto markets
10 years is a long time. Ten years ago silver was the same price as it is now. Gold nearly doubled. Bitcoin, well we all know. As tempted as I'm to say Bitcoin, I'm going for gold. Unless it becomes possible to convert Bitcoin to electricity or some kind of commodity.
It is the same, and bubbles are present on the two assets. Please, get me, I am not saying, that Bitcoin is in a bubble.Hey ! You say in your video that Bitcoin is not based on anything. It is actually the same creation process as silver or gold. Mining costs. Rare metals get rarer. It is concretely the same for bitcoin. The forks are just there to enrich bitcoin potential. (https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/bitmex-to-dump-bitcoin-cash-and-credit-users-with-bitcoin/)
You should be saying that Bitcoin is in a bubble. It would show that you understand that mimicking the properties of gold doesn't create a store of value, history of widespread use as a currency and maintaining purchasing power stability does. In fact, that's how gold earned its "store of value" status: medium of exchange first; it didn't start out that way. Bitcoin's only real value right now lies in its transaction capacity and speed, around 5 tx/s with long confirmation times and prohibitively high fees. As a settlement network, it's a 0/10. If the speculators eased off and fees dropped below $0.10 again, it might be worth a market cap of $5-10 billion.
Hi Ho Silver....to da moon!!
In case that wasn't clear.....SILVER!
I’ll take Gold anytime.
I may play the crypto game and I will say silver is the most undervalued st undervalued asset today, but Gold is wealth and always has been and always will be.
Fiat currency as always will collapse, even with the uncertainties of crypto there is a lot of money to be made, and lost.
So bottom line is Ibwould take the Gold, invest in silver and keep playing the crypto markets
Gold for the long haul probably. Btc is to volatile at the moment. Silver maybe but more so gold for me.
10 years is a long time. Ten years ago silver was the same price as it is now. Gold nearly doubled. Bitcoin, well we all know. As tempted as I'm to say Bitcoin, I'm going for gold. Unless it becomes possible to convert Bitcoin to electricity or some kind of commodity.
It is the same, and bubbles are present on the two assets. Please, get me, I am not saying, that Bitcoin is in a bubble.Hey ! You say in your video that Bitcoin is not based on anything. It is actually the same creation process as silver or gold. Mining costs. Rare metals get rarer. It is concretely the same for bitcoin. The forks are just there to enrich bitcoin potential. (https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/bitmex-to-dump-bitcoin-cash-and-credit-users-with-bitcoin/)
You should be saying that Bitcoin is in a bubble. It would show that you understand that mimicking the properties of gold doesn't create a store of value, history of widespread use as a currency and maintaining purchasing power stability does. In fact, that's how gold earned its "store of value" status: medium of exchange first; it didn't start out that way. Bitcoin's only real value right now lies in its transaction capacity and speed, around 5 tx/s with long confirmation times and prohibitively high fees. As a settlement network, it's a 0/10. If the speculators eased off and fees dropped below $0.10 again, it might be worth a market cap of $5-10 billion.