
another smack down else the emperor would be naked...

I'm happy, bought a few more shares in a silver miner

It's not even laughable anymore.

Quite sad actually... but bitcoin of which is more free is doing well. I hold precious metals but trade the crypto volatility. Cryptos are an expansive market until the world governments come up with their own and make the other illegal... this show is just getting started. Biggest currency war ever. People are waking up. Fake news is losing its grip for now...

Thats exactly what i think as well ... I hope we're right?!
Most people disagree with me that tptb will create their own or just buy an existing alt coin and make all other illegal .. Most crypto people say its impossible (of course) but as i say.. If only theirs is legal since it will be controlled and that so terrorists can't be fund ........
I hope we're right, because silver will rally even more then.

Btw.. What does the triple crown mean?

Remember the power lies with the people. If the people just choose to use a certain crypto as a means of exchange what good is any law? Think we are all tired of having the fruits of our labor stolen from us.

we have more guns than they do lol. But more reluctance to use them.

I have a hard time thinking we ever use them. Think "the slow death of a frog in boiling water".

Well.. The law in that case wold be good for using IRS, Police, healthcare (put you in whatever situation and room they chose .. Locked up .. , confiscate all your assets ..... Just about anything since they OWN the Government.
How long will you hold out ?!

My point exactly. If an individual chooses to do this then yes they are easily targeted and made an example of but if the population as a whole makes this decision then the power is with the people.

The only issue is that the majority of the population are actually brain dead. This is through no choice of their own but has been forced upon them through the system that we inhabit.

All I hear on the internet is people coming out with negative points or reasons why things wont work. Why don't we turn that energy around and think positively? If we stick with this attitude of nothing will ever work then guess what nothing will ever work.

Patience is key I won't let them wear me down

Could this be a triple top reversal? We still need to hit the 18.40 range, but looks like our race horse is running with a broken leg. Maybe Tanya Harding is behind this and hit Silver with a pipe last night.

I had a lot of slv calls and I sold them all yesterday. I think the support on silver is at about 16.95. Maybe we hit the support but I would have put it just a tad lower than the intraday low so far.

What are people's favorite silver miner? I like this chart in GPL with the support at 1.15. thoughts?