Totally get and understand where you are coming from, but I think it also comes down to your "exit strategy". I've built up a good relationship with my local jewellery shop and he is happy to take my silver and pay me just under spot.
So for that reason I'm buying the cheapest 1oz coins I can get my hands on. At the moment those are random date, philharmonics. Still a recognised world coin, so it's not like I'm going to struggle too much. I know the larger 10oz bars work out cheaper per oz but I'm also only stacking 1oz coins as I feel these would be easier to shift in a SHTF situation.
If I supposed I lived in America where they get cheaper silver coins, I would stack ASE, those yanks do love their own stuff, so I guess you are right all along.. Lol
one day it will come patience my friend patience
The anarchist in me wants to see it happen sooner rather than later, but am I ready!! That's a whole new kettle of fish sov
at least you are ready and know whats coming
That day wouldn't be too far away...