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RE: It's time to vote - calling ALL members, speak now and be heard.

in #silvergoldstackers5 years ago (edited)


I get confused when you talk about moderated and unmoderated. At the moment neither the hive community nor the tags are actively moderated. It is probably possible with the community page. However, I only access hive from my phone so suspect I am not seeing the full range of actions available when it comes to moderation on our hive community page.

I also think this statement is incorrect.

Only precious metal articles can be posted via our community frontend

I am pretty sure I could use the front end to post about whatever... just that it would be inappropriate to do so.

The deal with the tags (that began on steem) was that:

#steemsilvergold now #silvergoldstackers was for PM posts

#ssglife now #sgslife was to keep together other community posts.

Not everyone was on board with these tags but they were suggested.

All that being said... I do get what you are asking for in the last paragraph but this would also need tweaking. Reason being non-members can post from the hive community and non-delegators can also post from the hive-community. So you can’t just point the bot at the hive community and call it good. There would need to be the parameter of delegating member added to this. I have zero idea if that is possible.


We make a mistake now, and our community presence in hive will die. The lesser evil is to maintain the status quo.Yes, dear @dfinney... but the other change is the creation of COMMUNITIES. During the #steemsilvergold times, there were no Hive Communities. The introduction of communities caused a period of confusion. steemsilvergold, in preparing to transition to HIVE change our name to a universal name silvergoldstackers. BUT WE ALSO established our community SILVER GOLD STACKERS. Now that communties are established, and the fact that #silvergoldstackers tag is the tag that all members use we have to transition to the proper use of our community and maintain the silvergolgstackers (not sgslife) as the place for all other articles... is what I am suggesting must happen. otherwise, what use of SILVER GOLD STACKERS listed and identifies as a community?