One of Six Million Dollar, Biggest and Highest Gold, Big Maples was Stolen!

This big medallion has a lot to say for itself!


This medallion made more attention for itself by getting stolen and not to be found. This medallion is the result of some amazing work and feats! It weighs one hundred kilograms and measures sixty centimeters across its face. Making other gold coins tinier in comparison. Produced in 2007, in Ottawa, improving upon a single gold coin issue status compared to a then recent Münze Österreich Austrian massive gold coin of a fifteen issue count, weighing thirty kilograms of 99.99% pure gold.

The big medallion attracted attention that some people managed to hoist it through a faulty window without setting off a single alarm, to be wheel barreled to a getaway car, and not to be found.

An amazing piece of work of "five nines pure" gold with less than ten parts per million of other metals. Making this gold "coin" to have more gold than any other in the world in more than just one way.


The accounts make this affair highly suspicious. I think this was an inside job considering the fellows don't seemed the sophisticated kind of thieves that executed this heist. They just ended up as the fall guys and with this gold coin melted down into 1 Kilo bars and tuck away into Asian vaults.