Years ago I stacked silver, I quickly found that for me it is not the right investment tool and living in the UK gold being VAT free is at least 20% cheaper on the metal price than silver (unless you buy scrap) so i fell out of love with stacking, However I never feel out of love with cool collectable things made from silver!
I have a few bits I have picked up over the years and I will be sharing some of them on days I am not posting investment portfolio updates
So what first? Well today im going to share this little beauty - a vintage silver "yes/no" token!
I have no idea where this is from or age, though If i had to guess I would say its from the US maybe 80s? Its roughly the size of a 1/4 silver round so its small, but ifs one of those things you notice more each time you look at it..
And here is the other side, all the tails, so its still heads or tails like a coin! You could probably find an answer to all life's dilemmas with this thing but I keep it protected in a coin cap to keep wear to a minimum, I think its a really cool thing.
Seem to remember I paid £25 pounds for it, a lot for a quarter ounce of silver - But for me the value is an item not its metal content.
If you have seen another like it or have any more info please let me know:)
Cool, decision making silver coin. More compact than my Magic 8 Ball.
It is a curious currency, I would say that it is more an African currency than not the USA.
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I dont think its currency, its a token or "round" , there does seem to be quite an African theme to the animals though.