Would you believe 100,000 in Bitcoin, will be equal to $1,000 in U.S. Crypto Coinage...???
Do you think knowing this would make me go to the Bank and ask for a $1,000 Box of $1 U.S. Coins...???
Common U.S. Coinage has been my main focus in pretty much, all my Blogs...
I always try to look at my "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Correction from as many different angles as possible...
It's a wonder, I'm still able to write about U.S. Coinage...
We the People own the rights to U.S. Silver Coinage, Gold Coinage, Platinum Coinage, Palladium Coinage, Paper Coinage, Crypto Coinage and Common U.S. Coinage...
This tells me, "We the People" are going to be Rich beyond our Wildest imaginations...
I figure, everyone around the World is going to be using "our" U.S. Crypto Coinage...
Who thinks the World will be Switching Over to the New Quantum Financial System, Linked to Space...
This is where the "United States Space Force" comes into play...
And there's only "ONE WAY" to obtain our "New" U.S. Crypto Coiage, and that is with Gold...
One Ounce of Gold will get me $90 in "New" USCC...
I also have the option of choosing $90 in U.S. Gold Coinage...
Our Gold Coinage and USCC will be in "Perfect Balance"...
One will get you an equal "Face Value" amount of the other...
Our "Circulating" Gold Coins will have Face Values of $20, $50 and $100...
We will have $10 Gold Coins, but they will only be issued as "Collector Coinage" because of their Small Size and Huge amount of "Spending Power"...
A 1/10 ounce $10 Gold Coin will have the Spending Power of 1,000 of today's Fiat USD's, plus "Collector Premiums"...
They will Circulate among U.S. Coin Collectors, with Collector Premiums attached...
One Hundred Dollars in U.S. Crypto Coinage will get me a $100 U.S. Gold Coin...
A $100 U.S. Gold Coin will get me One Hundred Dollars in U.S. Crypto Coinage...
I figure, if it didn't work both ways, it wouldn't work at all...
Once USCC is obtained, it becomes "Existing" USCC, which can be used to buy anything of Value...
My "Golden Carrot" might sell for $100,000 in USCC one day...
It's hard to believe that I actually "own" the Golden Carrot...
I can feel its power, every time I pick it up and look at it...
It's much heavier than you would expect a rock of that size to be...
To me, it's as if I'm picking up a Bar of Precious Metals...
I figure, it contains 2 ounces of Gold and about 14 ounces of Silver "per pound"...
If that doesn't make this Heavy Brown Rock special, I don't know what does...
I have examined this Rock using many different levels of light...
I like posting these pictures, because it allows me to "zoom in" by "left clicking" on the photo...
I like seeing how the Metals are "Woven" together...
I suppose, it's what's keeping the Rock held together...
It's easier to see under different lighting conditions...
I just love being able to zoom in...
I hope today turns out to be a good day for everyone...
I'm sitting here as usual with my First Cup of Coffee...
No, the Sun hasn't come up yet...
I like to get these Blogs "out of the way" so I'm able to do everything else that needs to be done...
Most of the time, I have to wait for the Sun to go down, before I Post what write...
I would prefer to post twice a Day, but people tend to get sick, seeing 2 Blogs a Day...
I think I drove everyone "nuts" when I first started out...
I don't blame anyone for "skipping" over my Postings, since they're already aware of what I write...
Still, I do add new stuff, every now and then...
I'm the only person who Writes, Reads and Corrects every one of my Blogs, over and over again...
This made me my own best student...
So, when President Trump mentions that the United States will become the Crypto Capital of the World, I know that he's not talking about Bitcoin or any of the other Crypto Currencies...
Why would "We the People" use any of the other Cryptocurrencies, when we own the rights to U.S. Crypto Coinage...???
And being that our USCC is 100% backed by U.S. Gold Coins, makes it "Stable"...
Being "Stable" will make it the Crypto Currency of Choice...
I'm sure you all have to agree on that point...
It's going to be a Game Changer for sure, so keep that in mind, when USCC is Announced to the World...
If any of the Cryptocurrencies "survive" they will face the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate away from Fiat USD's...
Measuring items in "Sound Money" is something everyone will have to get use to doing...
If a "Can of Soup" now cost 2 Fiat USD's, it will cost 2 Cents on the other side of the Reset...
Everything will eventually reach it's "Fair Market Value" once our Monetary System becomes "Stable"...
Naturally, the cost of things will continue to Fluctuate in Value, due to Supply and Demand, but out Monetary System will remain "Stable"...
I can't seem to stress that point enough...
And now, let's get back to the Garden...
Did anyone notice I have all the "Pavers" slopping down, towards the Center of my Planter, that will be filled with about 2 feet of Rich Soil, by the time Spring arrives...???
The Rich Soil goes down below the ground level of my Planters...
I put in 3, just like the one seen below...
Should I try growing a few Carrots in the Center with Strawberries growing over the sides...???
I can't wait for Spring Weather...
Let me know if we're on the same page...
I'm looking forward to resume my gardening in 2025 too.
Keeping up with the Garden sure is keeping me busy... I'm looking forward seeing what they have at the Nurseries... I have many thoughts on what I like eating... I know Swiss Chard is on my list... I never had much luck with Tomatoes, but I may still plant a couple in the middle of one of the planters... Perhaps I can plant the Swiss Chard around the Tomatoes... Peppers may do well in the Center of one of the Planters...
My first choice was buying and planting 18 Strawberry Plants... I put 6 in each one of my new planters...
(Do you think knowing this would make me go to the Bank and ask for a $1,000 Box of $1 U.S. Coins...???)I don't know what to say, your imagination is wild and somewhat unpredictable.
Yes... I went to the Bank and obtained $1,000 Boxes of $1 U.S. Coins... To me, it was like buying Bitcoins at 1,000 each... I can't wait for the Reset... It sure sounds like we're close...
If I want to take a course about USA coins, how do I start?
I have no idea... If you want to buy U.S. Coins, but can't find them where you live, just go to the U.S. Mints Web Site... I think the best buy are the Boxes of 250 of our $1 Coins... They ship all over the World... If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask...
"Gauld....th' King o' preciousness!" 😉 -Keptin

Get ready for U.S. Crypto Coinage, backed by U.S. Gold Coins... This will make the U.S. the Crypto Capital of the World...
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Thank you for contributing more great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag. You have created a Precious Gem!
I sure picked a bad time to stop posting... Oh well... When I return, what will the Delegation be for the Gold Tier...???