Everything I came up with, will be 100% backed by Gold Coins, in the case of U.S. Crypto Coinage, or 100% backed by Silver, Platinum and Palladium Coinage, in the case of Paper and Common Coinage... It's important to remember the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate, away from "Physical" Fiat USD's... Digital Fiat USD's is another story...
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Seems legit. !BBH
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That's how you can tell, it came from a higher power than me...
I need to open some coinstars. !BBH
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You'd be better off, turning U.S. Coinage into U.S. Crypto Coinage... Drop in a Dime and get back a USCC Debit Card containing 1,000 Decimal Cents... These will be used for Privacy Spending, along with Paper Coinage and Common Coinage, when paying amounts less than One Cent... I'm sure a small fee will be charged, which you'll collect... Naturally, you'll have to use "existing" USCC...