I heard him say he wanted to put money in our pockets... I have to think... I always hear him mentioning Common (Cents) Sense...lol... Oh... The Gold Card costing 5 Million Dollars will probably be paid using Gold... This means we will need to divide the 5,000,000 by 100 to arrive a $50,000 in Gold Coins which becomes $50,000 in U.S. Crypto Coinage... In other words $50,000 in USCC (Sound Money) will get someone a Gold Card with a Fast Track to becoming a Citizen... After all, $50,000 in Sound Money is a lot of money... It will take 500 of our One Ounce $100 Gold Coins to obtain a Gold Card... It's just one more way for Gold to Flood into the U.S. Treasury, from all over the World... I need to give this more thought...
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