The Power of U.S. Pocket Change...

in #silvergoldstackers2 days ago (edited)

President Trump said we were going to have so much Money, we won't know where to Spend it all...

Will President Trump restore the "Spending Power" of our U.S. Coinage...???

I think the "Spending Power" of U.S. Pocket Change is about to do a Moon Shot...

It's so obvious to me, what needs to happen to the Spending Power of our U.S. Pocket Change, once it's used to "make change" for our New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...

Our Silver and Gold Coins will range from $1 to $100, just like the Numbers used on Fiat USD's...

Our U.S. Pocket Change is currently making change for Fiat USD's that have lost (in my opinion) more than 99% of their Spending Power, leaving less than 1%...

It will be another Story, once our U.S. Pocket Change begins to make change for our Silver and Gold Coins...

I'm not sure why people have such a hard time believing in what I write...

The last time we used Circulating Silver and Gold Coins, we only had Pennies and Nickels to make change...

This time around, we're going to have Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, Half's and $1 Coins to make change for our Circulating Silver and Gold Coins...

Are any light bulbs starting to turn on...???

One Dollar in U.S. Pocket Change, will have the Spending Power of 100 of today's Fiat USD's...

You may be interested in the Video below...

It's obvious that they are not yet aware of my "Fine Tuned" version of the Reset...


To make a long story even longer, I have to mention that U.S. Pocket Change will get me "in" on the Ground Floor of U.S. Crypto Coinage...

I figure U.S. Crypto Coinage will make the United States, the Crypto Capital of the World, since it will be 100% backed by U.S. Gold Coins...

Our Paper Coinage (Silver Certificates) will be Denominated from One Cent to One Hundred Cents...

Silver Certificates will be used "World Wide" to make change for our "Circulating" Silver Coinage...

Keep in mind that Silver Certificates will be Denominated in "Cents" and Silver Coinage will be Denominated in "Dollars"...

U.S. Crypto Coinage will be used to pay for amounts that are "less" than One Cent...

I figure, our USCC will be used "World Wide" since it will be "Stable" and "100%" backed by U.S. Gold Coinage...

The only way to obtain "New" USCC is with Gold...

Once "New" USCC is obtained, it becomes "Existing" USCC, which can be used to buy or sell anything of value...

Our U.S. Crypto Coinage will be in Perfect Balance with our U.S. Gold Coinage...

Banks will be required to have Minimum Amounts of Gold Coinage on hand...

The Melt Value of One Ounce of Gold, will get me $90 in USCC, $90 in Gold Coinage or a Combination of the Two...

The Melt Value of One Ounce of Silver will get me $9 in Silver Coins, $9 in Silver Certificates, or a Combination of the Two...

Don't worry about all the Paper Dollars that come Flooding into the United States from all over the World, because they will all be "removed and replaced" with our New Silver Certificates at a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

This means 100 Paper Dollars will get me 100 Paper Cents, with "no loss" of Spending Power...

This means, that as much as I don't like Paper Dollars, they will be the best Fiat Currency to be holding at the time of the Reset...

Keep in mind that our Silver Certificates will also be known as Paper Coinage, which will be used all over the World, to "buy or sell" anything of value, or to "make change" for "Circulating: U.S. Silver Coinage...

Our Silver Coinage and Silver Certificates, along with our Gold Coinage and U.S. Crypto Coinage, will be used all over the World...

U.S. Pocket Change will mostly be used here in the United States, but will be accepted World Wide...

They will also get me "in" on the "Ground Floor" of USCC...
Feel free to question or comment...


There appears to be a lack of interest in my posts... I wonder why...

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