@thedamus Performs Alchemy (part 1)

in #silvergoldstackers3 years ago (edited)

Hi Friends!

Lofl 😳😜🤣
More specifically, when large(ish) stars have died, and then gone supernova, they have blurted out vast amounts of all kinds of shit: gaseous iron, hydrogen, neutrinos, x-rays, supercharged cosmic something-or-others, and yes, even precious metals like: silver, gold, platinum and rhodium… it’s crazy but true! Did you know that gold (and practically everything else) comes from exploding stars?A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there were similar physical processes occurring as the ones that have been occurring in our own galaxy, well since at least ol’ @silverd510 was a teenager.



So that’s all very nice and everything, and then millions and billions of years pass — ol’ @silverd510 finally passes gr. 9 — and we wind up on a planet out on the fringe with greedy hairless apes scrabbling and babbling over the shiny rocks that are dug from ever deeper in the ground — clawed out with fingers and sticks, and monstrous earth moving machines the size of 20 mammoths.


Well, that’s one way of doing it…


Another way is to toil and slave away at a job you hate for meagre pay, and then squirrel away enough after tax dollars to buy some bullion. This is perhaps the least appealing method, but certainly an option. Or, moving up the smart and sassy meter, you can find an occupation you are good at, pays well, and that you enjoy doing, and then you will find yourself with extra resources that you can then turn into precious metals. This is smart!
Throw in a little savvy investing, and maybe a small business license and boom-baby-boom! You’d be out ahead of most, on your way to corporate glory! Thinking about it, I guess there’s all kinds of ways to get at it, and paying cash money, green dolla-dolla bills for ultimately “finished,” or refined precious metals is definitely the way you wanna go…
But fawk, I fear I just went off on a blabbermouth tangent, so I will try to get back to my theme, which is Alchemy


Roughly stated: the goal of alchemy is to discover the process of transmutating base metals such as lead or copper into noble metals such as platinum gold. Or in a looser version: turning something shitty — like your hockey cards — into something great, like real money. …and so we finally get to crypto-assets, and the real deal alchemy of the 21st Century.

Remember this:


And then just a couple days later…


This stuff is hyper-volotile and extremely declicious when you get it right — in fact, it is just like alchemy! One takes base money, “transmitates” it through the ol’ gonkulator, and comes out the other side — presto change-O! — Boom Shocka Locka!

Now yer probably thinking: sure Jackass! Your asset just plummeted, why so happy? Well, with a few dry powder dollars on the side (read: on the blockchain in stable coins) you have a great opportunity to buy back the coins you sold at $64 for $52 — and that’s basically it! Although there are also some excellent yield bearing products that really work. But I’ll save that for another time when I’m not so gooned… I’m back out in Whiterock tonight, partying with my cousin!


…and the train kept’a rolling, all night long!


So that’s probably enough drunk talk for yaz, and you wanna’ see the outcome of all my bullshitting about alchemy, well, check it out:

From out of the ether yo!


That bloody Pamp bar has been on my mind for a few days, and so I went and lay my hand on it today.

…but I also did some earlier plundering, and picked up a few other pieces, but that’ll come tomo, in part 2 — when I can keep a thought in my head!

But here’s a wee tease…


Stack ‘em up mofoz — this shit is on sale!

🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪Cheers! from @thedamus


It's about 11:20pm, had a nice fruity cooler. Hmmm, haven't been to White Rock for a while. As for Alchemy, just waiting for the 2022 Maple Leafs to come out and change some Fiat paper into .9999 silver. I get a Tube each year for my core stack.

Still Stacking ☠️

I do admire your per annum argentum modus operandi — stack on 🤘

Your mind is every which way...
I love it!!!
I love the Totem too, and the ATB.
The other photo is 1/3 only, hehe, it's a Suisse 10 0z.

…all decorum out the window! Lol

I love drunk talk. Creates good ideas. Sometimes.

Cheers rooster! Ya can’t win ‘em all 🤘😜

Yep I know I had to be the focus of your banter….. my ears were ringing…..

That ringing is the sound of an avalanche of silver 😜🤩😎👍

I want to drive the big truck. I want that more than 1000 lambos.

What a blast that would be 😜👍👍

On sale today

You gotta’ hit within’ 7 days (payout) to collect anything