Ancient Roman Silver Coins

in #silvergoldstakers5 years ago (edited)

Hello hivers, hello coin collectors, hello silver stackers and hello World!!!

Just wanna share to you all some of my recent coin hunt (2 out of 4) last sunday at Porta Portese (porta postese is known as the flea market of rome where you can find almost everything)😂😂 its not my first time to b there but my first time to buy coins.

I'm only sharing you now two out of four that i purchased since i am still searching its reference/indentification (update of the remaining 2 coins will be posted too as long as it will be indentified). I was really having hard time to look for its reference to identify my coin since im new into coin collecting and these ancient roman silver coins are my very first ancient coins. It would be my pleasure reading your books/sites recommendations, tips and advices specially with regards to ancient coin collections.
First Feauture: (Denarius - Traianus)

Denarius - Traianus




Coin Reference ⬇⬇⬇


Second Feature:

Denarius - Vespasianus AVGVR TRI POT





Coin reference: ⬇⬇⬇



Thank You for spending your precious time reading my article!


P.S i would like to express my gratitude to the following stackers who nominated me to a part of #Sivergoldstackers community and all stackers/numismatist who helped me out and inspire me into this hobby. GoD bless you all and KEEP SAFE!

@vgholdingsllc @silversaver888 @goldroostet


Hello @psychkrhoz!

AWESOME find from Rome flea markets. Those are treasures!!! Very pretty! It is amazing how ancient coins have survived through thousands of years... but right there it tells us that your stack may be something that can be passed on to your children's children and their children, LOL!

It never occurred to go to the flee market or look up the local coin stores in the city when I was in Rome. There is an online dealer of coins of ancient Rome, but I think Apmex have ancient coins from Rome.

Isn't coin collecting so interesting? I wonder if the public libraries are open? Sometimes one can find enough information on the internet. Searching for information about a particular coin is in itself so enjoyable because you learn so much in the process!

Stack on and keep collecting the coins that interest you, my friend. One benefit of coin collecting is the feeling of satisfaction whenever you find a rare coin that you’re hunting for.

!tip .2Have a wonderful week, my friend @psychkrhoz, and take care 🥰🌺🤙

Very pretty! It is amazing how ancient coins have survived through thousands of years.

Yes, i was actually mesmerized by their beauty that moment i saw them i was in complete awe.

but I think Apmex have ancient coins from Rome.

Most of the prices in online shops and stores were too much as i was searching for the reference of those coins i found out that almost all of my coins worth 100$+ value from their shop with lesser grade/conditions. But of course we understand the economy of buy&sell in the world of coin collection industry.

One benefit of coin collecting is the feeling of satisfaction whenever you find a rare coin that you’re hunting for.

This is so true! i was so very lucky and happy knowing that those were actually silvers because most of those ancient roman coins were struck in copper, bronze and other metal.

BTW thanks for dropping by. Your kindness and generousity is very well appreciated 😁😁😁. Continue being awesome my friend 😉

Have a wonderful evening, and take care 🥰🌺🤙.Dear @psychkrhoz, I appreciate your response. It is truly encouraging whenever I receive a reciprocal response to comments I leave on articles. It motivates me to continue engaging others in our community, which I think is important for the health of the communities and the blockchain in general.

silvergoldstackers with the letter "c", and I find that the best way and is to post your article from SILVER GOLD STACKERS community page and then use silvergoldstackers as one of the first four tags. Then your article will be published on our community page as well as be in the unmoderated silvergoldstackers feed.@psychkrhoz BTW, this article is not showing on any of the SGS feeds my friend. Please correct the community tag name from silvergoldstakers to

thank you! but i can't edit it as it is the first tag...i will just be careful in typing next time. 😁

third tag silvergoldstackers so that it will show up on the unmoderated silvergoldstackers feed. Right now your article ain't showing in SSG.In that case, @psychkrhoz, EDIT your article, then insert in the bottom tags as the


I am sorry that I can't help you because I don't know anything about Ancient Roman coins. If they were Ancient Greek coins, I have a small library about them and I would be ready to help you. Welcome to #silvergoldstackers!

thank you my friend maybe my next purchases will be greek coins 😊.

Thanks for sharing this Roman coin @psychkrhoz I always like seeing very old coins like this, so interesting my friend!!!😀

@silvertop thanks for dropping by my friend. Glad you like it truly its a piece of beauty.