Part of the problem is that there are some BIG PROBLEMS that we haven't found a good code solution for. So we do need to experiment, but we need to do it at the code level and set a time period for how long before reviewing the results.
Such as? ive never seen any details (or any community discussion) on these 'big problems'. just n^2 staying because INC decided to put it back in.
Well a BIG PROBLEM example... and "problem" could be subjective. If you prefer use the word CHALLENGE.
I was a proponent for UP VOTES only, but that leaves this place open for way more exploitation. So that is an example of a BIG Challenge. How could you do an up votes only (except for spam, plagiarism, abuse) without opening the door for it to be completely gamed?
I stopped calling for an up votes only system simply as I haven't come up with a solution to that Problem/Challenge. Dan said he was interested in an up votes only system, but again he does not do it for the same reason I stopped calling for it.
I would like to see the platform more like an economy than a share holders meeting. If I go into a store I am not pulling out a marker and putting big Xs on products I don't like. I walk past them and buy the things I am interested in. Other people walk in and might buy things I am not interested in.
Being able to put Xs on things you are NOT interested in is nothing like a market or economy. It actually allows you to nullify the interest of others as though it did not matter. It gives a false impression of demand due to the voting power being tied to a share like approach.
The demand can be there, but nullified by one person.
Yet solving that... Big challenge/Problem.
In a market demand = WHO IS GOING TO BUY THIS
It has nothing to do with WHO IS NOT GOING TO BUY THIS
that is more something a marketing department would focus on to get more of the NOTs into the WILL column.
Yet ultimately the NOTs do not get to nullify the demands of the WILLs.
If I have 10 people that want to buy something that is a demand of 10.
If there are 100 people that will not buy the thing that does not make the demand -90. There are still 10 people that will buy it.
Right now with the way steem/it works we get that -90 effect.