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RE: If We're in a Simulation, Could Studying Morality and A.I. Improve Your Life?

in #simulation7 years ago

As someone whose studies focused more in AI, I would definitely like to believe this is true hahahaha! Selfishness aside, this is a very interesting subject. The thing about the different disciplines is that I feel like even with the outright differences, the intersection between them is what we should focus on. Much like the similar mythologies among different civilizations, I feel like everyone's talking about the same thing, it's just that everyone's talking way too loud and at the same time. If we just pause long enough to let everyone speak up, I feel like a singular thought process could be achieved. Sure, this doesn't apply to all disciplines and philosophies, considering some are devised to directly combat another. But, you get what I mean.


I’m not sure a singular process is ideal though. Monocultures in nature (and thought) give rise to systemic risk. I prefer complementary but different perspectives. Cooperation over competition.

Oh yeah, for sure. I fully agree with all your points, especially cooperation above all. But, I do think that's what we're going to get to eventually. Talking about a monoculture. That's waaaaay down the line though. It's not about what's ideal, rather it's how society as a whole would cease to exist millenia from now. It's a stretch, but yeah. I do think that's how it all ends.