in #sing7 years ago

How it works
You will forever receive commission from every user you refer.

You will receive 15% from their earning.

To invite people, use your affiliate linkBT.png belowPayments were processed

We are glad to inform you, that all pending payments were processed yesterday.
Also starting from yesterday, payments will be processed weekly, on every Sunday.
Additionally, we are working on increasing of earning rate. We will inform about this on the next week.
Thank you all, for being with us!

  1. Higher rate
    Now rate is dynamic, and depends on fidget speed, i.e. the faster you spin, the more BTC you get.
    It is up to 5 times higher rate than before.

  2. News section
    All information about upcoming updates and events will be posted here.

  3. Email notifications
    Stay in touch of all updates and events of BTCspinner.

  4. Stability improvements

BTCspinner Team