Elon Musk's Plan Of Colonising Mars

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, is planning to colonize Mars with his company SpaceX.

When Musk presented this idea, he said that the earth may not be inhabitable anymore in the near future.
So a new colony on mars might be an alternative for survival!

Mars is a fitting alternative because they have sunlight and an atmosphere.
Also, there is the possibility to grow plants because of the similar length of night and day time.

Currently, a trip to Mars would cost 10 Billion per passenger.
Musk plans to reduce the cost to $ 200.000 !

To make it that much more affordable, SpaceX is planning to build huge space ships that have enough space for 100 passengers. 

They will be re-usable (which lowers the cost once again) and re-fueled in the orbit.
The trip would take about 6 months (if the constellations are beneficial), with a distance of 50-400 million kilometers.
He plans to start trips about once every 26 months, when the constellation of Mars is close to the earth.
The space ships will be equipped with many entertaining facilities like Cinemas, and also rooms to train with zero gravity.

For this journey, SpaceX has developed the driving mechanism "Raptor", which was used recently for the first time. It's 3 times as powerful as the current "Falcon 9" !
The fuel for the motor is a mixture of Oxygen and Methane - which could also be attained on Mars.

White bars showing the performance (size efficiency) of different vehicles)

The engine is one of the biggest challenges when building a space shuttle.
To achieve the different power for the Raptor, the pressure has to be increased to 300 Bar. This is extremely difficult on a technical level, as the Raptor burns almost 1 ton of Methane and Oxygen per second.

Musk's vision is to create a self-sustaining colony of about 1 million people on Mars.

Starting in 2018, SpaceX will begin sending shuttles to Mars - without any human passengers at first.
And humans should be able to come along from 2025.

When asked if Musk wants to be one of the first colonists, he refused - answering that he wants to see his children grow up, and that the first trip could potentially be "quite dangerous".

Who knows - maybe we'll soon have a martian here on Steemit?


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© Sirwinchester


I just finished reading Tim Urban's write up. It's fantastic. Check it out on Wait But Why.

thanks for sharing :) very informative

Wait But Why is awesome. Have you also read his posts on artificial intelligence, the fermi paradox, and Tesla?

Yeah, I can't get enough of his stuff. I love his two part series on truthism and spirituality for non-religious people.

Awesome link, never read that blog before

It's one of my favorites. Not sure if you remember, but I linked to it in a comment a while back on one of your other Elon Musk posts. I know you're a huge Elon fan, so definitely go back and dig it up. Tim Urban has done a ton on Musk and it's all really good. There's a lot there you'll eat up.

The blog is also fantastic on so many other topics. Really good stuff.

Hmm, a blockchain running with a 20 minute delay to the nodes on Mars. The inter-solar system networks will be a challenge to manage.

If real rich guys or humanity were to simply invest that money in sustainable infrastructure we could re create the earth in a healthier and more abundant way much faster and cheaper than colonizing mars.
But hey theres more money and fame to be made from spending it to do something sci-fi ish and cool.
I am very disappointed in humanity. I hope people realize the implications of what I have just said and re focus on what is truly important. Our life right NOW∞§∞

Hey @sirwinchester Great post and I myself are extremely interested in this topic and also did a post 3 hours before you about this exact same topic. I know there is no way you probably knew this but for me it is frustrating because my posts are basically poverty level payouts and it is so hard to get any attention from the whales. But some people like yourself will always automatically get healthy rewards. I love your stuff and I have been following you. I don't place any blame on you for this situation. It is just tough for very many people to actually be full time content creators on this platform when the rewards are so swayed toward a small handful of content creators.
Please don't consider the fact that I'm putting my link in the comments as spam since it is a post on the exact same topic with some of the exact same screenshots from Elon's videos. Thanks for reading.

space is soooo fascinating. there is SO MUCH more to explore - its almost endless

it's so big that it's really very close to being never-ending!

wow, this is crazy! multiplanetary life would be amazing!!

maybe it will become a reality!

imagine families just casually living on different planets in the future, and visiting each other for christmas...

that would be crazy - and might come true

life must be really boring for those first 100 people there lol.. but anyway this is an awesome plan, interesting to see where this will go

if spaceX manages to realize this before the nasa, it will be revolutionary!

that's right. It's a man and his vision, and he's making it possible quicker than anyone else!

I hope we get old enough to actually see this happening, with a million people on mars and more and more switching over!

would be so interesting to see how that changes life on earth

he's a smart guy - global warming will make the earth inhabitable for us soon enough

sadly true...

Whats MORE sad is we have the SOLUTIONS right not to reverse all damage and to create a paradise. If this kind of money were spent on doing what I know is already possible with our current technology, earth would be a paradise before they could even start building on mars.
Maybe one day people will start to listen to me, until then theres lots of cool people doing showy stuff to entertain you.

This is how you change the world...and Mars.

Wow that's interesting! I would love to go on a vacay to Mars

he just has a vision and then he goes for it ..
this might become a reality soon enough!

would love to know what it feels like to just be on another planet. that experience must be crazy!

yes, me too. and exploring a whole other world where almost no humans have ever touched the ground before..

wow, this is so informative. I'll check out the whole speech now, this concept is so well planned and I'd love to see it come to life

that would be amazing.
might happen soon enough!

I'll see you on Mars @sirwinchester. I'll plant you some potatoes.

Aren't people going to age more rapidly on Mars? I can't recall where I heard this and don't know if it's true. But the first colonizers are going to be people who are already 'over the hill' for the aging reason.

Maybe people will go there soon. But a viable colony...not in my life time. Unless lifespan increasing tech comes along. "Nano-Young"

I like the theories that all other intelligent life out there is predatory or superpredatory. For the same reason I like horror films I suppose. It's just exciting.

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There seem to be some underrated practicalities in moving people to Mars that I would look forward to discussing or finding more about. On Mars there is neither water nor air. This article refers to 'atmosphere' but no human can survive breathing carbon dioxide.

There's water under the ground of the mars, and there has been a special machine constructed to create oxygen.
Elon Musk explained these processes in great detail, so please check out his original speech (the presentation is over 1 hour long) on youtube, I'm sure it will answer all your questions!

@Sirwinchester just cite the videos and graphics please

here is Elon Musk's announcement:

this was everywhere in the news and on the front page of youtube so I didn't think I'd have to say where I knew this from. It's an hour-long presentation about the idea. So I'm not sure why you immediately attacked and criticized me. I watched this hour-long video and then wrote up this post as a summary featuring the key information, because I thought it was interesting and the steemers might like to discuss about it. this is also about the future, much like steemit. so don't tell me anything about plagiarism, when all I did was report about a special event and great scientific idea from a very popular video and topic.

can i go plz plz , anything to get out off another rigged clinton debate

Just turn of ur TV dude...
Ur not having a real choice to Vote anyways in America, it all Yale University controlled no matter whos the Potus !

My 2 cents on this...
I dig Telsa alot, love electric cars ( everyone in my family drives electric!)
BUT as long as Earth is not Paradise like for everyone, not just rich ppl, we as Humans have nothing to do in space, at all. Get ur butts grounded instead of trying to get away from here.