Have you ever wanted to fly in a private jet?
Usually, it would cost you a fortune - between $3,000 to $15,0000 per hour.
But in our era of "Uberization" , even a flight in a private jet can become an affordable possibility - well, at least a little more affordable.
The App "JetSmarter" is the new Uber for Private Jets.
The company was founded by Sergey Petressov - because he thought that the usual process of ordering a private jet was way too complicated (lots of phone calls, filling out forms, etc).
So he thought, why not simplify the process and turn it into an app!
How it works
The most important part first: To use any of the services, you have to be a member.
The annual member fee is $11,500 for a gold member (there are other, limited or more expensive options), while there's an initial $3,500 fee on top of that.
Once you're a member, you can choose between 3 different services:
1.) JetDeals
These are on demand, weekly private flights (one-way), scheduled by JetSmarter
2.) JetShuttle
Seats on a previously scheduled, private flight ("Empty Legs", explanation below)
3.) JetCharter
Completely customized packages - basically you can purchase a flight to any destination in any aircraft.
And this is the catch: Once you're a member, you can choose to book any amount of JetDeals and JetShuttle flights - FREE OF CHARGE.
You only have to pay if you're bringing along someone that isn't a member. Otherwise, you only pay the annual fee, and can then enjoy as many of these private flights as you want.
JetSmarter even offers a helicopter service (free of charge) to take you from the arrival airport to your desired destination.

How is this possible?
The 'secret' of JetSmarter is that they don't own the private jets themselves, they just cooperate them and book them on "empty legs".
These are flights where there's no one apart from the crew on board - for example when the plane needs to go back to its original location, or pick up someone else in a different city.
JetSmarter reserves these empty legs ahead of time, and can then offer the seats to their members.

Who is it for?
Most members are either business people or politicians.
The most important part about private air travel is that you don't lose as much time when flying - you can drive up to the private airport that is often loser to the city center, park your car next to the plane, arrive 5 minutes prior to takeoff and just get in.
No security checks or waiting in line.
Of course, the plane will also wait for you in case your business meeting takes longer or you're stuck in traffic.
All Jets carry less than 30 passengers (most of them even only have 6 or 8 seats) and are equipped with the highest standards of luxury interior.

Infos & Routes
The company has raised $105 million in total from different investors - among others Jay-Z and the Saudi Royal Family.
They have just about 7,000 members, and are expected to transport about 55,000 passengers per year.
Currently, they offer flights between New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Miami, Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Houston, Boston, Washington D.C., The Bahamas, London, Geneva, Paris, Nice, Munich, Zurich, Milan, Moscow, Istanbul, Ankara, Kuwait, Dubai and more.
Next year, the company plans to expand their routes to china and south america.
Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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© Sirwinchester
I got a friend that runs a Bitcoin mining company, he's bouncing all over with these guys all the time...
Thing is, I think he said flights are only available either in the US or Europe/Middle east - not sure if they have oversea flights or in Asia yet...?
😱😱 that is so cool! the interior looks siiiiiiiick
Totally different than what we're used to in commercial planes!
My parents would love this.
I think everyone would love this compared to a standard flight!
That's crazy... but I can see it taking off
Seriously though, that's a big yearly subscription bill, but if you fly a lot anyway it'd almost be good value. around the world! #punintended
If someone is really looking for luxury and would otherwise fly first-class all the time, you can really get your money's worth if you're a frequent flyer. I'm not sure how diverse their service actually is, and how many flights on different dates they offer.
Wow, I'd love to try this one day, imagine being on a plane with only 8 seats! That's crazy
I imagine it must be an awesome feeling, plus they probably have great service too (since the crew is only there for you)
So......cool. Would love this!
Yes it's looks pretty cool to try out!
I just checked. 5 tags issue seems still not fixed. Only first tag work if you use 5 tags. 4 tags work better for now, sir
Wow I am waiting for this for so long!!!! I hate these fully packed charter planes but I love to fly instead of driving. You already know that traveling is my passion and this is AMAZING.... would love to try it... when it gets a little bit cheaper lol