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RE: How to trick your mind - Chapter 2

in #sirwinchester8 years ago

I see positive thinking between your lines and thats is the fundament of confidence! Of corse it is not easy if you think about what others may think about you! First you have to like yourself! Sure, these steps are pretty tough but not giving up is the key to success!


I def don't like myself, sometimes I can say I hate myself but thankfully its not as often as it used to be

Great that you see the problem! Think about WHY you dont like yourself. Nothing is impossible so change your self-image. Try to think about what exactly you dont like about yourself?! Is it your character? The way you look? Your fears? Everybody has strengths and weaknesses.... Bring out strengths and learn to love them

I'm disabled and housebound so that's my biggest problem and nothing i can do about it.

Ok that is not nice for sure but you can train your mind and soul as well! Mindfulness meditation is amazing. I mean, everyone of us will be housebound sooner or later. But what lives forever is our soul! I know our everyday life can be tough sometimes and it brings us back to "reality" but we have to jump out of it! Invest into your inner life! Meditation is a great way to start!

I am giving it a good go. Had a few bad days after my gran in law died, her funeral is Monday. Hopefully after i get to say goodbye I can start again :)

Oh I am sorry for that. Rest in piece!
This is a great way to deal with it, give your soul the time to say goodbye and start again!

I will and thank you :)