Week Five of #sixweekhealth Challenge - Run to relief tiredness 脑累所以跑不动 ∣ 三个一

in #sixweekhealth7 years ago (edited)

这贴子是响应 六周健康活动,特此鸣谢@healthsquared , @sweetsssj 也借机会参与中文组@tvb 的三个一写作活动。This post was made to create health related awareness to my followers. Specially thank to @healthsquared, @sweetsssj who initiated this program, and also thanks to @tvb who organize writing activities in #cn tag.

武陵春 谢逸
This is a Chinese poem about mental exhaustion. I personally believe it has an impact to physically tiredness.

Original photo: taken at Desa Park City Height at Kuala Lumpur


Too tired after exercise?
How tired shall we get before we can lose weight?
Physically exhaustion? Or mentally exhausted?
My answer is, workout can helped to ease off tiredness.
English blog please refer to the second half of this blog.




这时觉得很瘦,但是也完全没有那种想象中的成就感。就是觉得很累,不大想动。看到食物好像看到毒药,怕碰了会胖。身边的朋友也鼓励我需要去找个心理医师看能不能帮助我。然后就这时遇见了失散很久的好兄弟 @miowmiow 一同注册了 freeletics 来玩家里做运动。开始时觉得很累,跑两步路已经喘得死去活来,心里有一种说不出的难受。再加上附近一同在跑的阿姨叔叔都比我快。自问身材已经瘦下来的我,为何还是觉得身体笨重跑不动呢?于是小明考题作答,3乘于7等于多少?我就不管三七二十一写上了我要的答案=18!咬紧牙根,跑慢点儿也要跑!虽然其他年级比较大的走路都比我这个“很像在跑”的我还快,我还是坚持下去“跑”。皇天不负有心人,人的身体适应能力非常强。不出一个星期已经习惯了锻炼身体的活动。这么一跑,就跑了几年。我没有再增加慢跑的速度,也没有再增加路程。只是定时的在一直跑,跑上山去拍日出。跑下山去看其他女生跑步也是不错。一直享受着清新的空气,感觉着自己的心跳。学会不在乎其他人比我跑得快。





Here we go. Back in year 2004, that was the time when I had my heart broken. Was it because I'm fat and I got a breakup with the girlfriend? I dare not say so. But I do think it is a train of consequences. In 2013, as I grow older, my stomach become bigger, to an extend I have trouble to negotiate with the steering wheel where my tummy stuck with it, hence begun the long haul of weight loss challenge.

It wasn't too long before I realized I've gotten too much of weight loss, as I was getting a lot of comment from friends and family regarding my appearance looks horribly old. I felt lethargic and many occasions I refused to eat, as I seen food as poison. Within a year I lose about 30kg. I felt tired and get exhausted very quickly, even going for shopping would kill me. Thankfully I met an old friend @miowmiow and both of us decided to sign up with Freeletics workout app.

At first, I got tired very quickly and almost give up. As I make a run for less than a minute, I will have to stop and rest. I'm seeing other older folks passing me by, I felt my body let me down. It's not that those old folks are any fitter than I am, but why does my body get tired so easily? So I've decided let's give it another try. I started to make my run slower and started pacing my breathe to make it in line with my steps.

And I learnt that human body can adapt to the environment very easily. For the first week of workout, I managed to pace myself into continuous running for half an hour. I did not increase my speed nor distance for a very long time until I got used to it. Until today, I'm still doing my regular jogs twice a week, sometimes 3 times when I'm free to do so. I learnt to not compete with other people. Who cares if he/she can run faster than me. I learnt to enjoy the scenery going up hill. I learnt to release stress with running. When I feel tired, I can roughly gauge myself if I got enough sleep or the food I ate was way too crappy for my body nutritional needs(or both).

At current state, I'm very happy with my appearance. I do not need a super model body. I still don't have my six packs ab yet(yeah who doesn't want one). I've been "big", I've been ill thin, but that's all for the past. I'm living happily with my healthy appearance now. I no longer feeling lethargic. This body give me confidence that I needed most previously. It helped me to face my work, and it generate enough energy for me to work things out. Give me a chance to choose again, I will choose workout anytime. For this week challenge, I am looking forward to make a 10km run, despite I did not meet my goal yet, I will keep trying until I get there stress free.


Once again thank you @sweetsssj and @healthsquared for organizing this sharing activity. Pardon my horrible command in English, but atleast I have enough guts to do this write up without using translating tool.

感谢 @healthsquared@sweetsssj 举办这个分享平台让我有机会跟大家分享。虽然语文上的差别很大,我还是坚持了下来,在完全没有使用翻译工具的情况下完成这博客贴。


@davidke20 这是一个相当励志的减肥过程,唯有坚持才是最后的胜利者。


大哥 别开玩笑啦。。拿别人的照片放2014年。哈哈哈


老大没放那伏地操照片的?有放可能可以电到评审 :p


David, first great job.looking at your photo and current far more different.It must be the determination from your heart mind and soul to reach to that goal. It encourage me too. Keep it up bro.

Terima kasih atas sokongan untuk saya. Mari kita bersungguh-sungguh







你也有关啊……那还整天叫我们比基尼.... 咦

我叫 @janicechua 而已😚 还没有叫你。

慢慢看?慢慢捏... 你问@auleo 我都用捏的




最后一张现在对吧?2014的不行 瘦到看起来很老 还是衣服作怪


Inspirational bro!!! Follow....

Run! Run for your mind!

Yeah, i still remember clearly back in 2003 you was a bit plump. But when we meetup again last month, I am amazed how fit and healthy you look.

The best part is, you know that your hard effort pays. Thumbs up from me!!

Come and join the fun. Don't give up on your giant arms that has been built over the years!

I really liked the photo where the sun is peeking through the clouds :)

Oh it was a lovely evening I went for a jog, that shot was taken right after rain.

I think your English is not terrible at all. By the way you really so much different when you are wider. Now so fit and handsome d. Ganbatteh!

Hey. Thanks for dropping by. To answer your comment, yes I have no choice. Either my steering wheel is stuck with my stomach, or I looked like a gold fish uncle.

@davidke20, 原创我就喜欢你这样的,特别是献给三个一活动!

我看你是要开博客贴讲一下你的心情来了。买 A 货送给 @cn-cutie.pie 被发现了!

img@davidke20, 写得好好哇~~~

BTW, @cn-naughty.boy 淘气包你个死鬼,上次送个LV的A货给我,你现在还好意思出来...

😱 被发现了。不好意思啦。都是叔叔不好啦。因为我跟他借钱,他本来也不答应的,说要买个包给你。后来我买来 A 货给他,然后强行用他手机将钱转账了给我。不要生气哈。我这就去买个原版的给你然后当还钱给他了哈。

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