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RE: Social Justice Warrior becomes Social Revenge Warrior becomes Lemming...

in #sjw8 years ago

there are sociopaths who do think in those terms

but there also highly aggressive folks and extroverts

I'm strating to drift off, so this isnt fully developed, but the earliest warlords were just robber barons...they HAD to put themselves on the front of the battle, and from what i've read, most of them liked it there

at some point the sociopaths take over the leadership roles

there is also chevauchee, total war before grant did it to the South. produtive property and humanity destroyed simply to deny acess to the enemy, not even to control it (think SJW ere)

This thought isnt coming togehter, so I'm going to leave it here; I know where I want to take it, but not how to get there and I'm gonna turn in. there is a post out of this
