Steemit Skateboards? As I found myself looking over my bsteemit blog. A rare new thought emerged... Steemit Skateboards. Although I have been into skateboard manufacturing in the past and made graphics twice with decent amount of pressings and failed. (Due to management and infrastructure of the company). I thought maybe I should just bring it up first the idea of a Steemit Skateboard brand. not only would it be inovative and new it would have to do with mine and your blog. I know there is no skateboard brand out right now that has to do with skateboards and there probably isnt any website or company accepting cryptcurrency as collateral for skateboard decks. The idea entertains me.
How could we make this possible? For me at this time it seems a little farfetched, Somewhat of a pipe dream but come one a good idea? I think it would be pretty rad to see decks. As far as the graphic? Maybe a simple steem logo or something super detailed behind on or have the logo off to the side like on the nose or tail IDK.
If I could get some people interestted or find a way to decently get the funds to produce the decks and hand them off to some steemians for sale that would be rad. Again this is totally starting off as an idea so don't hold me to it. There is alot that goes into making a skateboard it isn't just a quick overnight success like some people think and where I went wrong years ago when my friend actually opened up a shop. The idea has to work first. Anyone can get a run of skateboards made with some start up. Not everyone can make a successfull flip and have people wanting the decks again. There are so many companies that will press your boards and not all are the same at all. The wood has to be chosen a, graphics, sizes, and inital purchase has to be gone over and you have to do your math and be able to make it above the green.
Anyways just thought I would throw the idea out there. If I don't do it somebody will. I have had many ideas in the cryptocurrency take place that I brought up first and never went with. I wouldn't be surprised if this idea takes shape in somebody's garage... A crypto skate company with decks sold online. That would be sick! Or get this qr codes on the top of the deck! That would be mad so you could land tricks and have someone send it to your qr code underneath some clear grip tape! There really are some cool thing you could do I'd like to see happen.
Sound like a good idea!