Some jobs can drive anyone up the wall given enough time.
Doing a stressful job in a less-than-optimal environment lead many people to find escape through drink, drugs or smearing themselves in crushed bananas and climbing over a fence into their local monkey sancturary. Fortunately things for me have taken a turn for the better; I've finally got somewhere to skate.
Thanks to the unique nature of my location I haven't had anywhere to skate since moving there, so discovering this is a biggie. I found this spot on a tab through the desert. It's a bit weird at 1/2 a mile long by 12 feet wide, but it'll do just fine for me. On a Yuletide familial visit at the moment but looking forward to hitting it up when I return in the new year. I'm so bad these days I could barely do anything on the banks at the end, but I'm going to get plenty of chance to practise soon.