
I would like you to clarify the controversy regarding the Skate Hive community.
I'm surprised you didn't react by responding to the comments left on your posts.

He didn't react because he has nothing to say. Hive is for everyone but not everyone is for hive. A guy like that only sees money. He doesn't want to create real connections. He doesn't want to create benefits for skaters. It does not accept sharing the app code to accelerate innovations. He just craves to fill his own ego.

Do I have to give hype to a stalker?
How do you proceed with a case of abuse?
After not accepting the conditions of a group, a member of the group got angry and is now telling lies and defamations about me by labeling me directly. I am free to accept or not the proposals and I should not be abused and defamed. How do you proceed in such a case, because this is what is happening to me now.

You can talk with @knowhow92 , @howdarylrolls or @web-gnar @skatehive members they can talk calmly and explain the situation.


Lies? Dude, we're just telling the truth. Can't you understand? You have gained many clicks on your site through our work. You were the only one here to get free advertising. All your merit at HiveBlockchain involves our SkateHive community. Even Bob Burnquist came into the app, through OUR work. The only one lying here is you. We've done a lot of content for SkateHype. For you to leave the project because you're supposed to not accept an offer. None of us would like to steal it, but improve developments. But it's okay your mind is too centralized for that.