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RE: Skate Hype, Skateboarders Social Network (DHF proposal post for phase 2)

in #skatehype2 years ago (edited)

i agree with vlad, but i also respect miguel because hes a dope skater
the whole story;
We were expressing the need to change the UI because it sucks. the only thing that makes it worth using, is the fact that its linked with hive. but the UI is still terrible. it should be a GREAT app, along with hive integration. and we were going to hire devs to help him too.
so we were trying to get him to improve UX so that people wouldnt get pissed off by using his clunky app, and he got all grumpy and left the skatehive discord.
i dont know.
we have spent years building the skatehive community, he has spent years making his skate app.
and i see why vlads pissed off. and i guess i can see why miguel doesnt want to decentralize his app.
vlad organized a discord video chat meeting with Bob Burnquist to discuss how we should all team up. miguel told bob, " my apps web3, web2, doesnt matter"
miguel does not share our vision of what can be done with web3.
what miguel SHOULD do, is team-up with skatehive/StokenTribe, but he seems to think we do not know what we are doing.
we were talking about how we should have NFT sale pages and like turn skatehive into its own DAO and stuff and miquel said that "most skaters hate crypto so less will join my app if there is anything to do with NFTs on it"
which is the opposite of what is true lol, there is ZERO reason to use his app without the hive integration. and i think miguel might be starting to realize this.


I also respect Miguels tricks. Mainly because they are hard, stylish and he never talks while landing it. (sorry couldnt resist, actually I would like he talks more to us instead of just showing his trueself in his actions)

What I think he should have done, was to be clear since day one, and not draging us to his centralized idea.