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RE: Crypto Collectibles presents Uncle Joey Coco Diaz and Lee Syatt as Rick and Morty

in #sketch8 years ago

The Church podcast I understand, but, I mean, make a little room for Rick and Morty. To me, it is like it Futurama had it's creativity turned up to 11 at all times, but fairly much more original somehow. Co-creator Dan Harmon randomly put this video out last week

The Church of What's Happening Now is a podcast, it's good background noise depending on the guests and your tastes in entertainment. When I draw or am doing stuff creatively or even on just the computer working, podcasts win over music a lot of the time.

Thanks for the compliment! Sorry to spam you about these things, I kind of knew ahead of time the drawing would just be confusing to most people so I decided to just post it anyways because, it's late lol.


Not spam at all! I'm sure I'd enjoy Rick & Morty, I'll add it to my list! I've recently been doing a pretty good job taking the time to enjoy some good entertainment, and it's really helping my "creative batteries." I'd really gotten stagnant in everything. In the past few weeks I've read Hillbilly and Birthright, and watched the first seasons of Stranger Things and One Punch Man. That's unusual for me and I'm loving it!

Music tends to win out over podcasts for me when working. I was planning on listing what I was listening to on my sketch blog and just forgot! Thanks for the reminder!