Low-class hicks next door let their goats graze on everyone else’s land and ignored repeated requests to reign them in… Hence the concept. They can do a lot of incremental damage, like killing fruit trees… Fortunately a call to animal control got rid of them!
I don’t really want to think about the scamdemic for the most part - This year, my business is making 20% of my 2016 peak. If not for my employment, I’d be in a tent somewheres. Hopefully a luxury tent.
I keep telling @steemitadventure to NFT and that kid won’t even listen. It’s like technology frightens him, I dunno. Definitely something to think about though.
Lawyers finally came through after 4 months, so at least the house should be up to par soon with the extra funds. “Soda blasting” isn’t going to be as fun as it sounds, though.