Do you like to sketch with your digitizer equipped gadget?

in #sketches9 years ago

I've been interested in convertible laptops, tablets, and other mobile gadgets with pen digitizers for over 10 years. In 2012 I bought the 7" tablet HTC Flyer, which I had some fun with, but it never got upgraded past a very early version of Android and was pretty sluggish and now has almost zero market value. But then, it was something portable you could draw and take notes with! I was pretty excited. Here is a sketch I did with it:

Not long after, I got my hands on the first gen Galaxy Note, the first modern cellphone with a Wacom stylus. It was the first so-called phablet (phone+tablet) and a lot of folks who *now* have that ginormous iPhone 6s Plus made a lot of fun of how huge it was. Not bitter. 

One of the early apps that I really liked for that phablet was a note taking app called Soonr Scribble. For a while, it had a cool draw 'shape with transparent auto-fill', and I could sketch really fast with it, even from TV shows. Here is an example: 


Here's one I did of my girlfriend: 

Sadly, Soonr 'upgraded' and dropped that feature, so I dropped them. Bastards!

I later got a Galaxy Note 8" and 10". I still have that 8 inch tablet and although I only paid $50 for it, it is one of my all time favorite gadgets. I currently have a Surface 3 (not the Pro) and it has a quite decent N-Trig pen (but they do suck batteries). Here are a couple more pieces from my newer machines. Mostly I use Sketch Book Pro, Manga Studio, or Mischief. I rarely do any 'finished' work due to laziness I guess, and also because I like fast fluid drawings. Period. 

Random old west sheriff dude doodle, probably done with Galaxy Note 10 and SBP. 

This is from a Facebook digital artist group I was part of for a while. One of the members drew the dog head and asked me to do something funny and finish it off. I came up with this S & M idea. Guy liked it a lot. I don't miss FB, but I do miss that group. 

Finally, I will reward anyone who managed to get through all of this rambling. 

I have outed Satoshi--yes, 'he' is an alien humanoid lifeform--and here is photographic proof. You heard it here first on Steemit!


the missing images:

Thanks! I'm only seeing the top three images. Do you see all six? It looked fine when I was composing it.

full $TEEM ahead!
awesome art, check out my little [blog]( I have some art too. thanks @streetstyle

Great sketches. Love the btc alien one!