in #skrystal7 years ago (edited)
Hello stemians, happy sunday to you all..

Hope we had blessed moment in the presence of the lord.

If you are going for afternoon service, endeavour not to be late.

So i decided to share this with you;


Take heed therefore, that the light which is in thee be not darkness.



At creation,the scripture says in gen 1:4 that God saw that the light was good and divided the light from darkness. Light displaces darkness, light wonder in john 1:4 the scripture says darkness cannot comprehend the light.
God is light and in him,there is no darkness at all 1john 1:5. He is the fountain of life that gives light. Luke 11:35 "Take heed,lest.." Implies a state against which Christians are cautioned.
This scripture is enjoining believers to be careful. Some people think that their darkness is light. The world is full of people who think that they have light when all they have is darkness. What they have may be relatively good, but they do not have all the important light Luke 6 vs 23.
Therefore, there must be a standard to test their standard. When we receive Christ, we receive a shining light that gives our soul the knowledge of the glory of God (11 cor 4vs6).


Ephesians 5vs8 "We were sometimes darkness but now light.

God, having lighted the candle of the gospel did not hide it. The disciples were commanded to preach the gospel to every creature. The soul is the seat of man's intelligence and conscience. The light of the soul is the understanding, judgement and the power to discern between good and evil Psalm 119:105.
A life full of light receives and entertains the gospel. If our understanding admits the gospel in its full light, it fills the soul. This way, all it'd powers and faculties would be subjected to the government and influence of the gospel.

Saul went into battle with the amalekites 1 Samuel 15. God gave him the go ahead to destroy utterly everything (man and animal). Saul disobeyed God by sparing the king of Agag and best animal. To him, he will sacrifice them to God.

Balem the son of Beor (prophet of God) went up with the princes of Maob to curse the israelite. God had already told him not to and when he inquired of God again, God said he should do ad he pleases. Because God said hr should follow them when hr asked the second time,he believed he is doing the right thing.

Many Christians today use head knowledge to interpret scripture and thereby mislead people. Different things that compromised the standard of faith. But still, they would think they are on the right path.
Jesus himself said it that on the last day, many will say they do miracles in his name but he would tell them to depart from him because they are workers of iniquity.
So many Christians are living in that place today. They have a form of godliness but do not know the power and the fullness of the gospel. They live a religious life of performance under the law while professing themselves to be wise, all because they are shading the true light of God’s Word from entering their understanding.
And, if that light is to be seen by others who need Christ, then it must first be seen by the eyes of our own understanding. This is what Jesus is saying in this passage. We Christians have the light so we must let it shine so others can see Jesus.
However, if we shade the light with the Old Covenant lifestyle, how then are others going to perceive, understand and see the glorious light of the Gospel of Christ. The light of the message of power and freedom!
A lamp is lit so that we can see. Jesus is the light of the world. Man is responsible for the light he receives. The true light is available.
There is much that passes for light through the eye that is not light. There are many bright things in the world that keep us from seeing the true light of Christ so we should be careful what we regard as bright,attractive and compelling. If it is not Christ, you will be filled with darkness no matter how bright it seems for a season. Candles seem bright until the sun comes out. Then they are useless and put away.
Christ is the glory we were made to see. His light alone will fill us and give the light of life and meaning to every part of our lives.

Keep today holy and stay blessed