Skydiving Landing Like a Super-Hero in a wing suit. Second Landing.

in #skydiving7 years ago

Hey everyone this is the fourth video I took of the professionals landing at the Wonderboom Skydiving Club. This chap Waldo did two jumps his first super SWOOP I posted here

This was his second jump for the day and his landing was Super Elegant it really was, Super-Hero like if you will.


▶️ DTube

I'd like to try that one day!

You can brother I ll take pics.. And thats as far as it goes Not jumping for love nor money I am sh1t scared of heights..

its nice. would love to try it but i have this small fear of height

I like that person's laugh in the video! Nice landing

Just awesome ;)

He sure enjoyed it pretty much ,flying like birds man that feeling must have been great for him ;)

Meh... where are the high heels?
LOL! I wish they had those wingsuits when I was a younger person. Or maybe it is better they did not...