Invitation to Skyweaver with Giveaway

in #skyweaver3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone. Since there are two nice referral programs linked to my favorite Play2Earn TCG Skyweaver I would like to invite you to play. Please read a brief description of the game below. There is also a nice giveaway at the end.

What is Skyweaver?

Skyweaver is a Web/Mobile Free2Play TCG on Polygon network.



It has unique gameplay. It is not a copy of Hearthstone like GU and is also different from MTG. Has nice graphics and music. Meta is much more balanced and diverse than GU (the only other TCG I am playing currently and can compare) - it is not just go first, establish the board, trade, go face. There are many interesting combos and synergies you can build your deck around. Even if you are net decking, there is a lot of room to tweak the deck because many cards are strong and useful. You can really adjust the deck to your playstyle.

There are two game modes Discovery and Constructed. Discovery randomly (based on set of rules) generates a deck for you and your opponent so you do not need to have cards. Constructed uses your decks so you need to have cards unlocked. These game modes are free. There is also Conquest mode where you pay to enter. It is explained below in Earning section.


No Pay2Win

The game is not Pay2Win at all. All cards for Constructed can be unlocked by playing and leveling up (you gain EXP for every game). In Discovery you already have everything from the start. There are also prettier silver or gold versions of cards with some utility which can be bought but they are only cosmetics or can give you access to a card you have not unlocked yet through leveling up.



Currently there are three ways of earning by playing Skyweaver.

  1. Playing Conquest mode (Discovery/Constructed for now, soon only Constructed) where you pay 1.5 USDC or Silver Card to enter and play until you win three games in a row or lose one. Depending on the number of wins you are rewarded with nothing/1 Silver card (1.1$ - 3$ or Conquest entry)/2 Silver cards/1 Gold card (usually 5$ - 10$ and soon bonus to earning) and 1 Silver card.

    Soon Conquest is going to be changed to include only Constructed mode and have additional weekly reward based on the number of points. The points are gained for every Conquest match (max three matches per entry) and silver and gold cards used in the deck will give bonus points. Treasure will contain a share of USDC from Skyweaver's company Conquest earnings plus some bonus if the company decides that the rewards are too small. Gold cards which give bonus points are very cheap now because previously they had no utility at all.

  2. Being in the top of ranked leaderboards gives you silver cards and Conquest tickets. Higher rank gives more rewards. It is quite easy for me to win a few silver cards and Conquest tickets every week by playing only on weekends on both game modes. I have never pushed for more than top 100 because it takes more time.

  3. Reward from IndiGG gaming DAO for being in the top of ranked leaderboard for Discovery and having _IndiGG suffix in your name. The biggest reward for June was 452 USDT (top 10) and the lowest was (8 USDT). Here the competition is even smaller because not everyone has the suffix in their name. In June I have not played much and ended up on the lowest rank but still got 17 USDT. I think there are more people taking part in this now. To take part you also need to join IndiGG discord (my reflink: For referring people to their Discord you also earn money (0.60$ per person).


I will be giving away a silver card to three random people every Sunday until the end of August to people who:

  1. Registered to Skyweaver with my relink: (I get NFT emotes stickers if you play and level up)
  2. Joined IndiGG Discord with my link: (I get 0.60$ per person)
  3. Like and reblog this post

Make sure to post a comment with your Skyweaver name (remember about _IndiGG suffix to earn extra rewards for playing) and your Discord name.


I liked the game, I'm going to finish the tutorials :)

molins in Skyweaver
Molins#3050 in Discord

I'm glad you like it. Send me your Skyweaver wallet address in response/priv and I will send you a card for this week

Card sent. Enjoy!

Sent another one

Sent the last one