The Land of the Slaves!

in #slavery9 years ago

George W. Bush famously stated after 9/11, "the terrorists hate our freedom." And if this was true they certainly have little reason to hate America now.

In the last 15 years America has fallen across the board in all indices rating the world's countries by level of freedom.

In the "land of the free", police kill at more than 70 times the rate of any other first world country. This includes killing more people in one month this year than the UK police killed in the entire 20th century.

The "land of the free" has the highest incarceration rate in the world so statistally they have the least free people, with 1% of the adult population in jail.

Americans are under constant surveillance, their every move under the microscope by government "protecting" them from "terrorists".
They are told to "fear the terrorists" but US police kill 58 times more people than all terrorist activity against US civilians since 9/11.

More Americans have been killed by police since 9/11 than have been killed at war...