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RE: Triforce Slavery

in #slavery5 years ago

Humanity has been enslaving itself since the beginning.

I've never enslaved anybody in my life and I don't know anyone who has. I also don't know a single person that voted for the Federal Reserve or Income Tax. Humanity is definitely not perfect and we have a lot of people that are evil, but we are not the root of the problem. We're just the pawns on the chessboard.

What human wants the following?:

  • Debt money (fiat paper)
  • War on natural "drugs" that are not sold by Big Pharma
  • GMO foods
  • Chem trails
  • Fossil fuels (instead of zero point energy)
  • Forced vaccinations
  • Polluted air, land and oceans

I'm not sure who or what is at the top of the detached pyramid, but it's certainly not us.


Oh yeah... long time no see :D
Welcome to my humble blog.
Whatcha been up to?

Been working on javascript+bootstrap+express so my websites don't look like a heap of trash. I've never been a fan of javascript or node.js but it's starting to grow on me. It's really good for microservices and getting web pages up and running in no time - while Java/Kotlin remains good for Android phones or CPU intensive applications.

I am glad to see your comment, probably more than you will believe. It's good to see you here.

Nobody wants those things, but they happen because none of the bad actors at the top can actually control each other... or at least that's what some people would claim.

We saw the same thing here with bid-bots.
No one wants them, there they are.
If you can't beat um, join um.

Bid-bots at least cared about making money. What we're dealing with is something totally irrational that only wants to steal, kill and gain more control. The parasite-class already owns the printing presses so "making money" is obviously not a problem for them. At the top of the pyramid they are working together and are not divided like we are. Hence why their organized crime is so successful.

They told us via the Georgia Guidestones (paid by Ted Turner) that they want to eliminate +90% of the world population and not much was done about it. What this is all comes down to, is a full-blown battle of Good vs Evil.
